Fellow Azerothians,
It’s time to shine a light (pun intended) on a change that could elevate our beloved Retribution Paladins to their rightful place in the epic battles of World of Warcraft.
Currently, the identity of Ret Paladins feels somewhat fragmented. While we excel at our burst damage and survivability, we lack that distinctive utility which sets us apart from other melee classes. Enter the Healing Cut on Hammer of Light.
Imagine this: Adding a healing cut to our Hammer of Light would provide us with the much-needed Mortal Strike (MS) effect. This not only aligns with our lore of divine judgement but gives us a tangible advantage in PvP scenarios, finally silencing those who underestimate our potential.
Here’s how it breaks down:
- Clear Role Definition: With an MS effect, Hammer of Light will define our role in group compositions more clearly. Healers beware; the dawn of Retribution is near.
- Strategic Depth: This tweak creates a new layer of strategy. Coordinating our hammer smashes with other debuffs and abilities would require skill and precision, adding depth to our gameplay.
- Choices between Herald of the Sun and Templar: Giving clear and distinct identities to these class trees. With Hammer of Light applying the healing cut, Herald of the Sun remains our beacon of hope, restoring health, while Templar delivers the final judgement.
So, let’s rally together and advocate for this change. Retribution Paladins deserve a defined utility that mirrors their grandeur and fervor. Let’s hammer home the point: it’s time for the Healing Cut on Hammer of Light!
Your ally in righteous retribution, Burstnasty
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Are you argueing for paladin identity… By adding in an effect that well over half the dps classes provide in pvp?
How would that add to our identity? This would be homonegenation at best.
I think our identity should be the ability to remove such effects on our allies, and the lay of hands talent is a step towards that direction that seems interesting to me.
(Note the arguement that we should or shouldn’t have an MS effect is understandable, but at least make an arguement that makes sense.)
You didn’t take the best angle to tackle this.
Because there is merit in what you’re asking, regardless on what it would be implemented.
I think the identity of Ret has seldom been in a better place.
One caveat to this, you’re speaking of PVP and I’ll concede that the elements of identity that defines Ret in PVE are watered down or made largely irrelevant in PVP.
Ret pvp modifiers needs a serious looking into indeed.
Yeah my comments are strictly PVP, I see that ret is wild on the rankings, thats cool for them that theyre finally a viable PVE choice, havent been since Legion. But yeah in pvp they are bottom of the barrel
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OOOOOkay, I gotcha. I was about to point several fingers at Herald - some of the passive healing on that feels real nice.
Honestly PVE-wise, I’m having a lot of fun with Ret. It feels like I’m learning all sorts of cheese you can do with our spells, and that feels great. Like I legit save people from hitting 0 HP in every raid I do, and I’m a DPS.
A clutch LoH every three minutes makes me feel higher than pie in the sky. Webs? How about miss me with that crap and say hi to HoF every 20~ seconds - now at a sharable size for you and a friend.
Hand of Sacrifice? You can make that crap automatic. You can also make it give you a damage buff.
Toss in that you make the boss 3% weaker just by being there is sexy.
Paladin is just one of the sexiest classes right now dude. Just look at our utility. Look at our mogs. Look at how Hallowfall is just paladin lore for days. TWW was made by paladin mains.
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I love that youre havin a good time haha, its crazy how wildly perspective can shift from content to content, but yeah in PVP its a dumpster fire. Needs more PVP specific tuning, PVE they def look solid
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In no world do we need a mortal strike.
Ret paladins are already murdering the dps charts. Literally the easiest class to pay right now also. C’mon now. How much more do you need?
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He’s talking PVP, an entirely different ecosystem, where they are bad because of numerous PVP modifiers.
Their toolkit also isn’t as much help in this scenario.
It’s understandable, many players come on here and don’t make the distinction though.
It’s important to separate those discussion.
The current iteration of Ret for the baseline game of PVE is pretty solid.
But the PVP balance team doesn’t let every element of the redesign filter through to PVP.
Not that they should either because on all classes their would be things that are objectively broken if it were.
But it is true that Ret, ATM, isn’t to hot in PVP.
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