Rebuke range loss

Yeah I know, I allude to that in the very next paragraph.

Yes but none of them had the excuse of that range being part of some sort of compensation for mobility.

There was never any pretense about it to begin with.

They kind of did.
Their way of seeing that is probably roughly as such.

Fight that require to get out of melee.

Warrior gets 90 sec of full melee uptime over 100 sec.
Over the 90sec they are able to do 90 damage and none while away.

Ret comes in, they get 85 sec of full melee uptime over 100 sec.
Over the 85 sec they deal 85 damage but are able to maintain 5 while being away from melee.

This is a made up but that’s the concept they seem to be going with.

Now, to you and me and many others that seem like an awkward middle ground and a non decision, but that’s still a “defined” archetype however misguided it might be.

It literally doesnt make any sense because of the rest of the stupid spec is all pretty ranged for a melee. Yeah i feel it and it sucks. Why even make the spec ranged at all


Here’s the Blizz post about the rework objectives

Because paladins wasn’t originally a ranged spec in the first place, they gave FV and BoJ more range rather then do the right thing and gave us a gap closer. They refuse to accept that steed is a failed design idea.

If that’s the case let’s reduce the range of their entire damage rotation because atm they’re basically BM hunters using holy magic :sunglasses:

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Dk kick at 15 yards feels good.

Havoc ranged kick also feels good, evoker melee kick does not

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That’s an oddity I didn’t even know about, having the ranges crossed makes a little sense.

BM can do most of its retrotation out of LOS, Ret does 0 damage if LOSed. Not even close to similar but nice try.

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Technically speaking evoker kick is not melee, it’s 25y. However considering the spec counts as a range, you you have 15y less range than ranged to interrupt, so it feels like you’re practically in melee while still having a long CD

Well 25 yards is still better than all melee, I definitely wouldn’t describe it as a melee range.

No it isn’t, but compared to ranged it might as well be

If evokers had 40yds in all their spells (what crazies are actually asking for onthe pvp forums) youd have to nuke their damage by like half. Evokers deal giga damage but need to be "relatively"close (quotation because evokers have all the tools in the world to never get touched by a melee and rets too)

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I wish execution sentence actually executed people like disintegrate actually disintegrates people. One spec gets false advertising, and the other one gets tried and true accurate descriptions with ability names.

Just interrupt and single target abilities, or do something about their mobility/speed. Because right now they do not have adequate the mobility to be 25y . The movement speed buffs they get are too costly in the class tree, and they get treated as 40y ranged specs by mechanics.

I wouldn’t mind all interrupts getting standardized across melee and ranged.

Melee: melee range +2y
Ranged: 40y (MM mastery still applies ofc)

With how bursty devastation is and the amount of hover they get I would have to disagree. The last thing they need is more range for hoe much damage they deal

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Having played both dev and aug, it’s one of the main reasons I will not go back to it. At some point the lack of range just becomes frustrating beyond gameplay reasons.

Oh nooo ret can’t kill someone while LOS!? Oh noooooo…

I have never done anything worthy of praise on my evoker just leveled her and did some old world farming… I dont really like the class much but I hate them with passion in pvp