Rebuke range loss

Is bad, good lord it’s bad. I don’t even care about the healing it did. The insane number of interrupts I’m missing because of this change is wild.
“Git good” true true
But does anyone actually enjoy the range loss?


I’m feeling it more than I care to admit tbh


Just one person if I hazard to guess… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Get the torches and pitchforks

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Nah ret was way too ranged. Needed to be reigned in. The amount of people complaining because they developed bad habits is evidence of that.

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It’s not always about ret. I play holy. Removing 3 yards on rebuke is not the solution to what you consider a range problem


I call cap.


When I feel it the most is when trying to interrupt a mob I’m not currently attacking. The range would be fine on that mob, but then I switch and try to catch an interrupt on a different mob and that one is out of range. It would not hurt my feelings if a range increase on pally interrupt was baked into an existing talent somewhere- Jurisdiction would be an obvious choice.

I know its a me problem, but Enhancement (30 yard interrupt) and Frost DK (15ish yard interrupt) have me spoiled.

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That’s exactly the same problem I run into. I don’t have time to move over to silence, nor do I have the luxury to stand in the middle of the pack to be ready, I’ll straight up die from the billion mechanics if I try to do that

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I call not cap fr fr cuh :b:

Got a chuckle out of that, but my guy, if you believe there is a range issue (for ret since you mentioned that) do you genuinely believe removing the three yards on rebuke, but nothing for judgment ect is the right way to fix it?

Why remove the rebuke range at all? You want it to be more difficult in mythic Plus to be a valuable member of the team? (M+ is the biggest issue with the change, pvp is still also a problem)


Now why would you bring logic into this? :wink:


So hes happy ret lost 3yds on rebuke and believes that somehow is “reigning in” the spec.

Another mindbroken ret hater spotted in the wild


For better or worse Blizz has allowed most of Ret’s rotation to work at 20 yards, so having our kick at 5 yards just feels bad.

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Again it’s not only ret, just want to mention prot and holy are gooned on by this change. (Prot slightly less so since their shield silences)

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Necroing this thread but it was in fact nerfed for range? I can’t get anything out of my prot pally’s Rebuke in bgs where I really need it. Rebuke’s range sucks.

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It used to be 8 yards. It is now 5. It is melee range. It was only 8 yards in df, but was always 5 yards before and after.

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All melee need a longer kick range and this is a hill I’m willing to die on.

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Why is that hill made of corpses?

No melee needs to be in melee, if range is an issue gor melee the answer is always to hive them gap closures and staying power on their targets. Paladins is almost at that point, we just need a gap closure that is instant.

There are quite a few instances when dashing close enough to an enemy to be able to silence is worse than letting the cast go off. Puddles between you and the mob happen alot.
The dragons in grim, everything before first boss in arak.
Tons in stone vault