Rebuilding the Moon Guard Horde, a Roleplayers Perspective

Because some of us like interacting with the MG-A community on our Horde characters without having to ask/beg someone to anchor us over.

Because we have a different server culture than WRA and some of us prefer it.

Because having variety and options for communities to go to is a good thing rather than being limited to one option.

Just some of the reasons that immediately came to mind.

Edit: Also it’s WAY harder to have RP-PvP events if half the people you need are on an entirely different server.


Why did it happen, or why should it change?

I agree with what Mirchea said. Moon Guard has a different server culture to WrA, it’s a more laid back approach that spans across both Alliance and Horde. Also, not being able to give booze to someone because they’re from another server really sucks!

When it comes to roleplay, people want to have options. Contrary to what some people think, having only one option is detrimental to roleplay. It would be like having only one guild on a server, that everyone had to join. How limiting would that be? No, it is far better to have a number of smaller guilds where people can choose which one suits them best.

A balanced server will always be healthier than an unbalanced one. I don’t mind if it’s 60% Alliance and 40% Horde, that would still be really good. But once Horde started slipping under 25% we really needed to do something to start bringing people back. As a community, we’ve worked really hard and I think those changes are starting to happen, and will continue to do so at a faster and faster rate.

I’m sad to hear that what is happening to us is now happening to WrA Alliance. My recommendation is to do something now before it is too late. The longer people remain complacent, the harder it becomes to recover.


That is exactly what drew me to MG on my return and with the hopes that the Horde would be replicating the things seen on the Alliance side of things. WrA for its size and years of proclaiming to be the best spot for RP has never pulled off things like the server-wide RP event MG recently did prior to the launch of SL. It may have events here and there but nothing on such a scale, I know from experience.

I’m with Flywheel, it’s a shame WrA Alliance is falling apart right now. Hopefully, they can course correct. For now, MG is working to do the same and I think it’s off to a wonderful start.


Why bother changing it?

Good points.

question answered. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am really really excited to see these posts, to see how people are going about starting to initiate plans to aid in the simplicity in finding things! This is the MG I know we can be! Let’s keep that train rolling!

A calender automatically tied into posts for events and such? That sounds perfect! The more people know about events, the more that will show up! And if we can keep things rolling consistently? Believe me, people will go “Huh well that looks active! Lets go check it out!”

I maybe inactive for a month due to RL issues, but ill pop in as much as possible!

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An increased number of players/character diversity is beneficial for almost any RP population. It also allows people to keep playing the characters they like without having to surrender something, like progress on a character if one remakes the character on WrA or the 20 something dollars Blizzard requires from you to move a character from one server or another.

I personally fall into a much smaller group of people who treat servers and factions kind of like a sports team. Part of the fun is being irrationally loyal to your team and wanting it to succeed, not bandwagoning from team to team based on which is doing the best. Additionally, I am sure I have some residual, perhaps unnecessary alarm bells that go off when someone is a MG -> WRA transfer due to having been on MG for long enough to know what that used to mean. That is, long enough to know that usually it’s a scumbag move because the person was discovered to be emotionally or sexually abusive towards other people, was provably and outstandingly racist, or was just so pissed about how MG RPers didn’t “play by the rules” that they left for a more “rules-oriented” server. That is likely not the case anymore. These types of people have largely settled down in their respective servers nowadays.

However, I am probably not the demographic who should be targeted for “Rebuilding MG-H RP” efforts. Most people do not share my experiences or my viewpoints.


To touch on a topic I saw being thrown around a bit earlier in the thread. About people making characters on MG-Horde to interact with the Alliance counterpart. I’ll say this. I used to RP on MG-Horde back when Kor’kron was very prominent, you go Honor Amongst Wolves, Utenka ily, and for the reason stated above was a reason i chose to bring my Alliance guild’s Horde branch to stay on MG. Easier interaction like Mirch stated others on the server. One thing I think MG has over WRA is that cross faction RP isn’t as restricted. Considering people from WRA-Horde come to MG through anchors to come to server wide events and many Alliance rpers do as well I’d say we over here on MG-Horde are doing something right at least <3


I disagree! The viewpoint you shared above is also one I used to have…though I admit it has actually swung the other way now, with being moderately suspicious of WRA -> MG transfers due to some bad experiences. It’s a minor bias but one that still must be worked on to overcome.

There’s always, always value in multiple perspectives, different viewpoints, and different opinions. That’s part of what makes a community stronger, where those differences in experience are included in the conversation and heard, instead of being silenced or ignored just because they don’t fit a certain picture.

It takes all different types. Don’t count yourself out.

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So heres a list of ways I feel could greatly aid in the effort, some of which are being done already!

  1. A calendar with updated events and events being updated in the discords on the daily.

  2. One of the discords being restructured into a major hub with links to all of the other communities, that way each one of them still can be run in the ways they need to be run while we have a really good point to direct new players to!

  3. Getting in contact with some of the larger guilds on the alliance side to start hosting some good cross faction events while also advertising them for other servers to join on in!

  4. Encouraging the creation of alts on MG from various different servers, WrA included. This means opening up to what can bring trolls and other things but understanding that it won’t always be that way.

  5. Finally the last thing, working together to foster the growth of this beautiful community, let’s not have one or two take on such a thing alone. This is for all of us, everyone wants to be able to RP! So lets make it happen!

This definitely already exists. :stuck_out_tongue: You’re already in several public servers that utilize it - and yes, I’ll be making a forum post on it soon.

That’s a great list and all, but are you volunteering yourself to do all that, or are you deferring to someone else to carry out your wishes?

I mean if you are going to do everything you mentioned, best of luck, and I hope you have a lot of time and energy on your hands!

The phrase “many hands make light work” might be worth keeping in mind.


Neither, I’m asking us all to contribute.

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Okay, great. Just wanted to clarify.

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My side will have to begin in a month or so as stated earlier within the post, RL matters are taking a heavy priority at the moment I’ll do what I can with whatever time I am given.

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To be fair, she did say this in her post:

some of which are being done already!

I missed it too, at first.

As for my efforts, mine currently are going on behind the scenes with a little project on Enjin.

Well, I hope everything works out for you OP and the gang! :two_hearts:
Good luck!

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As a huge christmas present to the MG Horde! I have gone ahead and purchased a domain called MGHorde for the community and am working with Ka’shar to make a RPC for all to join.

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