REBG Not in an instance group

I joined the queue for a random epic battle ground, it popped up, and I joined. But when I got in, I couldn’t cast anything, I couldn’t interact with objects in the battleground, and I couldn’t say anything to any of the other players (either in instance chat or /say). The game said that “you are not in an instance group”. I couldn’t leave the battleground, log out, or exit the game. Was I supposed to just sit there for 30 minutes while everyone else played the BG? I killed the game from task manager and logged back in. When I did, I had the Deserter debuff! It’s one thing to have a bug in your game, it’s another to punish me for trying to play the game after your bug occurred.

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You ask why you had this happen to you but did you ever stop and ask if you deserved it?

On the bright side…you can afk whithout anyone seeing you or reporting you ^^

But would he have gotten credit if the team won?

Epic bgs aren’t even PvP and how people really get into epics and have a blast is a mystery to me.


Yes. Was a couple of patches ago I would be outside the group/raid in AV several times and I did get credit every time.

They’re mindless killing fun

Just run at the enemy team and blow stuff up, it’s magical!