Rebellion Questline not available yet?

One of the things advertised in patch 10.1 was a continuation/conclusion of the Rebellion questline in Thaldrazsus. I’ve looked around, and found no sign of where to start the questline. I have the initial questline involving the rebels done (I have the Sojourner of Thaldraszus achieve!). The only thing I can see relating to it is that you can find Maldra Flametongue (a key npc for the rebellion storyline) talking to Alexstrasza in the interior portion of Seat of the Aspects in Valdrakken. She offers a dialogue option labelled as such:

(Quest)<Tell Maldra that you’re here to stop the rebels>

Clicking it has no effect whatsoever. Is the questline implemented yet? Is the starting point somewhere out of the way?

Just curious is all! Thanks in advance and sorry for the textwall.

Im having trouble with this also…i can click the “(Quest)<Tell Maldra that you’re here to stop the rebels>” but nothing happens