Rebel Scum | [H] Mankrik | Split Raids | Loot List | Raid Times Tues/Thu 9 PM - Midnight EST (+ 3rd day during progression for each phase)
About Us
Rebel Scum is a focused Split Raid + Loot List style guild looking for team-oriented high performers who are interested in raiding in what is commonly referred to as a semi-hardcore raiding environment. While that term is overused, we are performance driven and expect full consumes from everyone on the roster, every raid. We have been running full split raids for 11/11 & 3/3 for weeks on end and intend to continue split raids in Phase 2 just as soon as progression is complete.
- Serpentshrine Cavern - 4/6
- Tempest Keep: The Eye - 2/4
Loot System = Fight Club/Onslaught Style Loot List
Raiders will choose which pieces of gear are most important to them using a ranking system. All loot is tracked and updated regularly on a publicly available spreadsheet. All raiding characters may assign a value to each item from all raid sources for each respective Phase/Tier.
Schedule (server time, EST)
- Tuesday | 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM (midnight)
- Thursday | 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM (midnight)
- Weekly Rotational 3rd Day (M/W/F during progression) 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM (midnight)
Raider Expectations
- Primary & Secondary character for split raids (secondary character optional if you only have 1)
- At least 85% attendance (based on a roster of 30)
- Maximum focus and effort during progression
- Full consumes each raid and optimal gems/enchants on gear
- Respectful and positive attitude
Roster Needs: Any exceptional talent will be considered. We are less concerned about the class, and more concerned about the quality of the player.
- Warlock
- Hunter
- Mage
- Ret Paladin
- Enhance Shaman
- Ele Shaman
- Shaman (Resto)
- Priest (Holy/Disc)
How To Apply
Discord Contact Madducks#4703
In-Game Contacts - GM: Vil
- Officers: Madducks, Daynjer, Papa, Nerzil
Noteworthy callouts:
- 25 kills of 25-man content over the course of 16 weeks of Phase 1, resulting in a higher probability of people ending the phase in full BiS
- Over 1,200 items delivered to primary/secondary raid characters (that figure excludes disenchanted items and items won in weekend PUGs)
- We spend ample time each week ensuring the top two raiders for each big ticket item are split amongst the two split raids to ensure the highest chance at efficient loot distribution.
- During progression, we consolidate all 25 “Primary” raiders into one raid team comprised of our best characters.