Reasonable nerf suggestions for DH

I like playin dh …its the only thing ive played in df besides a few alts,its overtuned atm but i dont want it gutted…1.5 min or 2 min blur and no darkness would be a good start,and maybe a soulscar nerf as well

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Wouldn’t this be a new way of nerfing though? Does blizzard have abilities that perform differently in pvp and pve besides the % of what they do? (Darkness 50% in arena vs I think 20% outside) if they changed to straight up making cooldowns different in pve and pvp I think that would require drastic changes on their side that they wouldn’t do in a tuning patch, and if they are willing to go that far than they may as well create a pve and pvp tooltip for every ability and go as far as just making them do similar but not the samething in pvp and pve.

If it got permanently deleted I wouldn’t lose sleep.

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hmmm or maybe removing certain immunes from vengeful retreat would be a start in the right direction


damn this shayman i like the way he thinks

I’d rather they keep glimpse as it is since it requires a certain amount of skill to get the most value out of it. Would be better if they nerfed the braindead aspects of the spec.

  • Illidari Knowledge and Demonic Tattoos should be nerfed by 70% in PvP. There is no reason they should have more than a 5% passive magic wall at all times. If you nerf both by 70% they’d have 4.5%. Blizzard would never completely disable them but nerfing by 70% is realistic.
  • Chaotic Imprint should be removed. They are keeping current tier for the rest of the xpac and there’s no shot blizzard nerfs it beyond 50%. This should just be removed. No reason for a passive 10% damage boost on this spec. They have historically never struggled with doing damage.
  • Cleansed by Flame should be removed. Can’t see any reason this spec should have even more deterrents for going it by magic users. Aside from passively taking less magic damage, doing insane pressure, punishing any team that goes it by cleaving everyone close to them, and glimpsing/cc’ing every cast attempted on them then dashing out of los when they’re on cd you also have to deal with them dispelling magic effects/dots.

how about we remove cloak

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has nothing to do with glimpse

remove the dodge from the pvp talent you said? great idea! my own :wink: unlike most players i have perspective and dont get my emotions or biased in the way of actually making this game fair for everyone so nice try though mr dk.

glimpse is fine cloak is not u cant be ccd or magic dmg soooo

Oh ok. What immunities are being referred to then?

[Vengeful Retreat]
Remove all snares and vault away. Nearby enemies take (14.18% of Attack power) Physical damage[Vengeful Bonds: and have their movement speed reduced by 70% for 3 sec].


YA i just said same thing buddy lol, im agreeing with you know that right.
cloak needs the 100% dodge removed from the pvp talent which is making us uncc’able at all except fromt behind ofc. always

Remove Glimpse.
Remove Demonic Imprint.
Erratic Felheart nerfed by 75% in pvp.

Anti-cc, defensive, damage and mobility reduced in pvp, without touching pve.

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How do you keep saying this??
Vengeful retreat on its own is totally fine and does not immune anything. I know you linked some post, but I’ve never once seen vengeful retreat immune a damage ability playing as or against DH.

Stop spreading misinformation.

Agreed. OR make it just remove either roots OR dots, not both.

again mustve just been meta doing it sorry my bad had manymanymany times this happen. ill change the post dont get your panties soiled.

I think the most reasonable ones I’ve seen and agree with are:

-Vengeful retreat becomes a 45s cd when you select Glimpse pvp talent.

-Passive magic damage reduction (tattoo passive) is too high at 10%, needs to be lowered a little.

-Leech healing is too high, needs to be lowered.

Outside of that maybe a small damage nerf, but I think survivability should be nerfed first and then see how it is.