She swore allegiance to Lo’gash, and he’s dead.
Well, precata, we had the old Horde rock chewers who hated the Forsaken and the Blood Elves being a part of the Horde. Those types always hated Sylvanas. And I hated Garrosh since BC.
But it seems Baine was not hated until he went all “Camp Taurajo was a legit target” in Cata
And he hasn’t recovered since.
Thank the maker.
I am sure he will be back, though. Hopefully, Voljin needs a new host body, Zekhan volunteers, and his soul just goes away.
I am concerned Zekhan could return, because it seemed like Blizz was hinting at some sort of crush on Talanji. She could do better.
WC3 and Classic did a good job of walking a line that acknowledges the existence of multiple perspectives. Thrall having to drag Grom kicking and screaming into the modern era was an awesome dynamic that highlighted the central tensions of The Horde. Cata onward started boiling it all down into Edgelords vs. Peaceniks, and pitted the two against each other in a way that resulted in the latter “winning” each time.
I got the vibe Rokhan was being set up as Talanji’s romantic interest.
I don’t remember anyone except me ever complaining about Zekhan.
As far as I can recall, people broadly enjoyed Zappyboi and Bannerbae.
An arc that was skipped and now Blizz acts like it’s healed. But he behaves as before, like an incompetent loser.
There’s something good about that, but now the shít is starting again…
God, please kill them all!
I was at least hoping that Thrall would play the psychiatrist to Anduin. Because he goes through something similar and Thrall explains to him how he overcame what WE didn’t see in the game. In Shadowlands it was only scratched a little, nothing more.
Now Blizzard’s favorite Anduin has completed his story arc and it is now too late for the depressed Thrall.
The chance of us getting rid of him is very slim.
it was wildly popular to hate zappyboi in sylvanas drone circles.
Hate is such a strong word, but he’s a nothingburger of a character. He has a decent moment in one of the movies but other than that shows up literally out of nowhere in game to kick off the genuinely awful Saurfang questline.
After BFA, they shuffled him into being the ambassador to Zandalar cuz they had no idea what else to do with him.
An aspect I liked about their relationship is that Grom did want to change. But old hatreds and Mannoroths blood re-surging thanks to his presence on Kalimdor made that problematic. And obviously being punished by being turned into glorified lumberjacks didn’t help either. Just made Grom more angry.
I just remember how Grom was doing a Luke Skywalker when Mannoroth gleefully said that the Warsong clan drank his blood again, allowing them to defeat Cenarius.
Mannoroth: “Hello again Grommash”
Grom: “Mannoroth, what are you doing here?”
Mannoroth: “Oh I just wanted to see you kill Cenarius. How did you defeat a demigod?”
Grom: “Oh we did a bunch of pull ups and sit ups, and we drink plenty of juice”
Mannoroth: “You defeated the Demigod by drinking my blood again”
Grom: “No, that’s impossible. We are free!”
Mannoroth: “Search your feelings Grommash, you know it to be true”
(The above is clearly a joke).
Nah, you’re right.
Undermine feels like an attempt of a bone to throw @ the Horde players:
- “See!? You got some relevance! … Alright, hush now after this patch, whilst we give the spotlight back to Alleria to take the home-run with the glory.”
Honestly if they end up shafting the Blood Elves to uplift the Silver Covenant + Void Elves, I’m going to roll my eyes and probably uninstall the game for awhile lol
Really shouldn’t be throwing ideas like that out there. Blizz might run with it
Oh psssh nah, the High Elf crowd already pleaded for it in several other threads
Knowing Blizzard though? … They’ve probably already catered to them & developed it lol