Reason Thrall is in the picture

Because horde feel left out out of bigger things in Azeroth. Opinion?


Oh what the heck Ill bite!

“Sure feels like it lately…”

However in Midnight and Last Titan we will know for sure! I can’t wait to see the Forums reaction to whatever happens then.

Fastest way to abolishing factions is to make one side stop caring until they quit, I guess.


While I like the new-new talent trees, I sorta miss the easy convenience of the old-new talent choice thing.

While I love the options we have now, and genuinely feel it is a superior system overall, the old-new way allowed for a returning person like me to quickly get a character all up-to-date with my personal favorite options for solo play. I’d just have to look at the three options, realize there was one good option, one bad option and one okay-ish option that was more fun. And pick that one.

Now I feel like I need to hunt around the trees for my fun option, then hunt for a fun talent path to get me to that fun option, and hope that it did not mess me up for my other fun options. And I usually find a good and healthy balance to get where I wanna go, but it just takes more time.

That is my opinio-

oh you meant about thrall

yeah horde don’t feel relevant to dwarf expansion so we have a thrall i guess


They did show him at the start mentoring Lufsela when she claimed the mantel of the Stormriders. It is all about timing. We got fate of the Kirin Tor not to mention Undermine for heavy and well due Goblin content. In Dragonflight they timed out well with Velen’s Penitence to allow the Man’ari back into the fold. They will touch on Thrall more likely him believing in himself to regain his full might as a shaman. They touched the surface briefly in Shadowlands when he discussed killing Garosh to his mother Draka.


I sense Horde is coming back, they are lending their power, and it is welcomed. Does it mean the hunger typical horde absorb Alliance ideality?

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Hmm it really does not feel that way…

I been playing Alliance since BfA (mainly because all the friends that return to WoW are full exclusive main Alliance) and the Alliance faction lore wise and main characters mainly Tyrande, Jaina and Anduin feel extremely solid and their story and lore fully flesh out. I can feel the strength of the Alliance and that energy constantly playing my Alliance characters… they are ALWAYS there, no matter what expansion. (Except Dragonflight I think?)

As a night elf Warlock I know my race is protected by Elune and that goddess has been very active over the years and involve in almost everything WoW at some point in history or another.

Now that I think about it… I’m not even sure it’s possible for Horde or any faction to over shadow the Alliance… its presence in the game is extremely strong or it feels that way. (IMO)

The only way that could ever happends if Alliance LITERALLY start losing or retire its NPC heroes, Horde get the Avengers treatment of super power up where one leader could wipe out an entire Alliance city on its own and get villian batted as many time as the Horde did… and god I hope not, that’s just terrible for the story!

Also I don’t want to lose what’s left of my Alliance friends, they would probably quit as they do enjoy this Alliance Strong presence in their stories (not to mention they love to lord it over my love of the Horde and make fun of it)…

All my Horde friends have move on to other games and unless something dramatic happens I don’t see them coming back. So I rather they Horde comes back but not at the expense of the Alliance if possible.


Remember when we had an entire expansion about the elements fighting back against the Titan influence on Azeroth and then there wasn’t a single shaman character in the entire expansion?

That’s where Thrall should have been. Standing there trying to calm the elements, trying to mediate things between Primalists and dragons. But no, no shamans allowed in the shaman expansion.


I’ll give DF some credit for not being an Anduin and the Windrunners episode.

And I’ll deliberately be tentatively optimistic that the reason Thrall has not come full circle to his shaman status is because there is a story they really want to tell there. Maybe the reason it wasn’t left to off screen development is because something worthwhile is in the works.

Pessimistic side of me expects to see a lot more of Thrall just being there so they can gush over how much cooler and awesomer and more strongester Aggra is as a shaman.


I think Blizzard missed the point of not wanting borrowed power.

Small talent trees are fine.
One expansion talents and abilities that you are learning to use for literally no purpose other than to discard them are not.


Nostalgia, it’s why Jaina, Khadgar, and Thrall are mainstays long after their big arcs have ended.

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Thrall is way past due for being permanently retired. He’s just the only real Horde character we (barely) got in the spotlight so far this expansion.


Oh that is simple. It is very clearly Metzen’s contract to bail Blizzard out of the mess they were in post Legion that Thrall is required to be a major character.

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I wouldn’t even call thrall a major character anymore. He had one really short quest line and never interacted with again

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That is fair, I guess I meant more I expect he will have an important part to play at least conceptually in the entire saga.

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Honestly, I forgot Thrall was there.


Rexxar and other horde characters have been long overdue for the spotlight.

I went from liking Thrall from warcraft 3 to despise him in cataclysm. The whole Orc redemption of their wars ended when they moved to Kalimdor. The whole theme was to survive in the harsh land and battle your inner demons, that’s it.

Since then Thrall became a certain writer’s self insert to the world, glossing about how cool aggra is ( shes not), moping about Garrosh ( which is the only straightforward Warchief we had since Orgrim Doomhammer) and neglets leadership to be a green hippie.

As far as this expansion is concern, it wouldnt make a difference if Thrall is involved or not.


He brings a whole fleet of Horde though

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Anyone in the horde can, the Horde is basically just the reserves for the alliance for now.