Reason I'm keeping my Demon Hunter leveled:

The Last Titan.

Blizzard always says they like to introduce content when its appropriate with the story, so I figure this is our chance for expanding Demon Hunters.

Illidan will be set free, his Jail Buddy seems most likely to want to join our side to fight floating feet lady and the void…

So to aid in the fight Illidan could:

  1. Train new Demon Hunters (open other races)

  2. Add a 3rd spec. Similar to how he turned the demons own power against them, we could get infused with void to fight them. Ranged spec would seem an obvious choice, but I also wouldn’t mind another Aug-type spec. I even thought about Illidan almost getting turned by the Naaru and Lothraxion’s fate, maybe even a light infused demon hunter that heals?

Anyways I think this is likely with all all the tie-ins story wise… Lothraxion was broought about by the void ethereal Locus-Walker…who also helped Alleria become who she is…

Lots of void references!

Anyway that’s my hope, unfortunately that means we are still 2 mini expansions away from some possible Demon Hunter love.

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Eh, I think they were so close to doing just that in Legion before Illidan’s absolutely iconic “I am my scars” speech where everyone’s favorite anti-hero chose violence and his own path. And I for one am so happy they didn’t give us a third light-based spec or have our fearless leader turn puppet for the light.

Maybe they can implement in some form in the future, but frankly it might be better off as another separate hero class.

As for new demon hunters I really don’t see the point where Argus and the threat of endless demons is behind us, and our upcoming major enemy is the void.

It makes me laugh that the DH community, such as it is, had been so beaten down and abused that we’re now looking at 4-5 years in the future to finally get some attention and love.


It was pretty damn good last season. So maybe we wont need to wait that long…

A little dramatic, I’d say neglected this expansion so far though lol

While i agree with most of what you said ( good post btw, thanks for posting) i do disagree in this reguard for a third spec.

we really dont need a ranged spec, while that could be fun, I beleive what we need to is balance out two play styles, from mover to non mover. They could have done this with the hero specs but…

atleast give us a spec if your going to make a third spec, to compliment the other style people play. One dps spec… mover and one dps spec focused around non mover, this would allow both specs to be balance properly and both styles can now be enjoyed by the DH community.

Add a third spec lol they will never. Blizzard hates DH.

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I would love to see other races be able to be DH. However I would only be ok with it if it fit lore wise. Like how the allied races death knight have different start than the og death knight races. I wouldn’t make sense for them to do the current starting zone.

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Lore went out the window when lightforged became locks.

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