Rearranging and Removing Portals

Most people are crying for a return to the mechanics and core philosphies that made WOW fun to play, if you can believe that. You might be conflating portal-gate with the ilevel-edge-lords.


You’re whining, princess.

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That’s because the community is composed of many different people who want different things.

But Blizzard seems determined to go out of their way to do things that aggravate people, and for no good reason at that.


I wish people would stop insulting each other. No, it’s not okay when someone insults you, but you don’t have to insult back. (That’s a general “you”, not a personal one.)

Yes, some of the posts here are over-the-top. But the calmer people aren’t upset about having to use flight paths etc. They’re (I’m) annoyed that plain old travel time will take longer, which means I won’t go as many places in the world as I did because I don’t have the time for all of that and it’s boring as heck to do the same flight over and over on multiple characters.

And when people tell me, “That’s you’re fault for playing so many characters.” they’re essentially telling me that I’m playing the game wrong and I should be doing it their way or not at all. And if Blizzard really doesn’t want me to play their game any more, they’re likely to get their way sooner than later.


The funny thing is that they aren’t removing the portals in Ashran.

It’s a weird catch-22. When you unsub, Blizzard doesn’t know why (even via the re-instated poll. Who knows if they actually care about that data. Evidence suggests not–it’s a placating thing, because:). Ghostcrawler wrote a dev’s perspective in a blog about that and basically confirmed that unsubbing doesn’t tell them anything–they end up attributing it to the content cycle or some other metric.

So, people unsub, but they complain in public places first to try and voice their displeasure in design, in attitude, in whatever. In doing that, they are told by defenders that they are wrong to whine/do so, and that they should just shut up and go away. Sound familiar? It should seem like I’m holding a mirror up for you.

So if they do that, next Q&A rolls around and we get to watch Ion and Lore wring their hands and say; “Well, if only we’d have gotten feedback on it…”

I don’t go to threads where people are being positive and state they’re wrong for feeling that way or voicing that opinion. I frequently ask them why because they frequently just say HEY I KNOW UNPOPULAR OPINION BUT I LOVE THE GAME and don’t actually go into any depth about what they like, which is where real discussion occurs–and then I’ll disagree with them or agree with them in kind. But I certainly don’t bash them, call them children, or talk down to them for having an opinion I disagree with.

I have been replying to you, specifically, because I think what you’re doing to this discussion is very destructive and intentionally trying to disrail conversation–which was what my FB metaphor was about.


Again, a problem that Blizzard created. Instead of interactive quest hubs, they made world quests that only require people to pop in and out of specific areas. Instead of real world travel and peril they scaled everything so you can ride your mount across the island with ZERO fear of being killed by anything. This is not the player’s fault.

This is a design issue. And for Blizzard to suddenly feign guiding principles is very disingenuous.


The people complaining about this change are the ones going out and exploring the world. And we found things out there that we want to do. Now they’re adding extra time to do those things because reasons.

Most of the parts of the world that we’re traveling to haven’t changed in a decade.


It totally makes more sense to get on a taxi and fly 10-15 minutes to get where you need to be. I have so many interesting and meaningful conversations on a taxi where I’m not interacting with my character at all, much less other players.


So much better than using a portal to get to the same place.


That would be pretty fun. :grinning:

Sadly, I have doubts about it ever being implemented.

Making travel longer, tedious and complicated (having to use 3rd party sites to figure out how to get places) does NOT make the world feel larger or more engaging. It makes it frustrating.

You also lied about the removal of portals form previous xpacs, or at the least exaggerated it a bit.

Be honest and simply say this is a way to waste our time and extent the feel of the game. I hate these obvious lawyer styled answers that are oblivious to the facts and the desire of your customers.

Nice try sending a CS rep to do the job of a dev, I feel sorry for this messenger since the next time they come on they will automatically be suspect and distrusted.


This needs super strong emphasis. It’s a cop-out. They know it is and now they’re doubling down on it. They’ve failed and spit in the face of the community in the process.

Come Tuesday… expect backlash.


Sure. But this isn’t a handful of people that are unhappy. This was thousands of players saying, Blizzard this is yet another thing that’s going to make this game less fun for me and make me not want to play.

It’s one thing among many other things that they’ve done in recent years that are dragging the game through the mud for a lot of players.

Yeah. They’re determined to make the game the way they want to play it, and not the way that would be the best for the players.


Which used to be a halfway decent PVP zone, with gasp PVP vendors. ZOMG. REMOVE THE PVP VENDOR MISTAKES ION ZOMG>!


Who said they didn’t want to explore the world? Portals makes it easier to explore the world, because you can get to the locations you want to go.

Then please explain to me how making travel more tedious will change that.

The way to change that is to give people a reason to get out into the open world, not to make travel around the open world take longer.


replace the word “scale” with the phrase “take more time and be more tedious” and your post would be more in line with the truth.

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They’ve always designed World of Warcraft as a game THEY want to play.

Many of the people who made WoW were ex Everquest hardcore raiders.

The game director today was top ten US guild raider in the Original World of Warcraft.

I like this post. Clicking a heart apparently has a complex micro-managing system too.


The sad thing, too, is I was excited for the portal room because I thought it would just be a centralized location for all of the portals in the game! And then it was revealed what portals were actually there, and then the news of removing the rest, and all of that excitement for this room immediately vanished.

Sad day…


Please return the Caverns of Time portal and the Shrine portals.

This change was not well thought-out and this response does not address the feedback that was already given in the other thread.