Rearranging and Removing Portals

And if I have to use a flightmaster to get somewhere then I’m tabbing out of the game during the flight and doing something else to kill the time. Sometimes that means I don’t end up returning to the game. So removing portals ends up meaning less engagement, not more.

Good job, way to stay in touch Blizzard! /s


Then you just trying to create issues. The quests in there were never important enough to justify going there.

You guys are f*cking up royally. Wake up. You are losing people including some of your most hardcore fans who play all your franchises. (myself)

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None of the hills matter. As a hunter you should understand this. The class is a piece of poop compared to what it used to be, and for Blizzard to only now use “guiding principles” after they’ve destroyed what made MM fun, and then use “unique mode of transport” as it relates to classes, AFTER they completely devistated hunter’s ability to use AoC and AoP as a part of their class, is laughable.

It’s instanity. It’s inconsistent. The fact that they clearly ignored all flight feedback, all Azerite feedback, all rep-gating feedback, all race-gating feedback, just goes to show that the hills don’t matter.

As a matter of fact, there was only one instance in recent memory where Blizzard went, “Oh snap derp.” and that was their stupid idiotic idea to FORCE everyone to level once they hit 110.

And they had that brilliant idea because their other brilliant scaling idea is so stupid and messed up, in some cases people were playing the game the only way it was fun: By skirting the scaling system.

Blizzard is incoherent and off their rocker.


No, Blizzard is creating this issue. Don’t blame the players for this.


Thousands of players say that taking away portals is the wrong thing to do and you just ignore them again. All this is adding up like with PVP vendors. Frankly this has happened so often recently that it is now coming off as condescending and is making many players feel marginalized. This is all to inflate, though falsely because of things like this, the holy grail of measuring success in games today…Time Played. If most players are like me I take the portal and then while the flight master is taxiing me to where I really want to go I watch Twitch or Youtube or anything else on my other monitor. But that still means more Time Played so who really cares except for the person playing the game because it’s a waste of time and boring.


I’m not leaving over such a minor change and I’m most likely not the only one. I don’t necessarily like them but I will not leave over it. It reeks of whining of the sake of whining. They’ve already removed portals before, why complain that much just now?

No, it’s still nothing. 5-10 minutes of additional gameplay due to flightpaths won’t hurt anything, besides you can still get up and brush your teeth or use the bathroom, do your hair, change over your laundry or do whatever you need to do while you’re on a flight path.

It was your choice to get and hold a job that requires such a drive to and from.

You, as everyone does, -always- have to make time to make things happen. That goes for IRL/IG. I’m sure you can make it work.

They haven’t removed portals since Cataclysm. We thought they’d learned their lesson from the outrage over the removal of Northrend-Dalaran portals.


But they did.

But they didn’t.

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One of their reasons for removing the PVP vendors was because people couldn’t find them. By that stupid logic, they should remove every vendor or trainer that gets marked on your map when you ask a city guard. See how inconsistent they are? They’re throwing their ideas in a plugged toilet, flushing it and then implementing whatever falls over the edge of the bowl.


Ah, so it’s Taivora’s choice and responsibility, but it’s not yours to choose not to take conveniences and need Daddy Blizz to remove them outright for YOUR idea of what the game should be and/or preferred MMORPG “experience”? (which removing conveniences isn’t going to fix, btw)

Nice hypocrisy there


Blizzard’s tradition since WoD: If our ideas are terrible, remove all alternatives so they have to use our terrible idea, then proceed to use this to boast about participation.


There are quests for black moras, which cannot be started until you do the COT questline which is in the interior of COT outside of instances. You also cannot use the uldum portal from Cata until you are 82 or 85. The relevant leveling zones of tanaris, unguro crater and thousand needles were acceable by using the COT portals on toons lower than the requirement for the Cata portals. The silithus portal is only available to BFAlevels.


lol. Almost 800 new comments from when I went to bed last night. Good lord.

I’ll put this back out there too since it got buried under the mountain.

FF14! A game where the company actually listens to and loves their players, and vice versa.


Crazy idea: Let’s not remove portals that won’t be replaced with the portal room.


That is two hours more a month for one location and one toon. It could easily add up from there. Try getting to TOT from Jade Forest. It takes forever.

And are you serious??? I don’t log into a game to brush my teeth. This is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard. How freaking engaging. I’m so immersed in WoW while I’m away from my computer.

And…my point went right over your head.

I’ll make things happen when I unsub and play a different game. One that doesn’t remove convenience for players that have been in the game for years.

Honestly, your points of defense for the removal of portals are pathetic.


That may be so, but most use the CoT portal for tmog and mount farming.

1754 replies. Nice, keep them coming. Let them know how we feel about this change being absolutely unnecessary.

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