And the irony is that IF it were reversed and the majority were for the changes, the trolls would be screaming it from the rooftops.
Since the majority dont like the changes, of course they have to dismiss the numbers
An example of learning from their mistakes would be Square in regards to FF14.
FF14 launched and it was bad. Pretty much universally agreed it was bad. They did an overhaul, learning from their mistakes. The result was FF14 ARR which was vastly improved. They’re coming up on their third expansion.
Guilds (called Free Companies) are much more lively.
They also have a network built specifically for new players. Yes, they openly have an option for NEW players to be able to ask questions. I haven’t played it for like 4+ years. So I was really out of touch on things. I asked simple questions in the ‘newby’ network and the answers were polite and courteous.
If you asked a noob question in WoW, whether on forums or in game you’re going to be treated like you’re some kind of rock eating moron.
Square understands that a healthy community is essential to a healthy game.
How do you even know that? If the forums are a small representation of the million(s?) of players, wouldn’t the general consensus here reflect that of the players in the game? I’m not claiming either side is better represented here, or has a valid voice, but the consensus seems to be “WTH is with the portal removal, also neat room I guess.”
I also pointed out to him and others that the Forums aren’t the only place speaking up about these changes. He never once acknowledged that fact.
MMOChampion had at least 18 pages on it. Wowhead had discussion on it. Blizzardwatch created an article about it. Reddit of course has had a lot to say about it. Just a few sites I personally found. I’m sure there are a good number more out there.
thats because he knows hes wrong.
Every place this discussion is going on that ive seen has been a repeat of this thread with the vast majority hating having more of their game time stolen for no good reason
What I would really like to know…I doubt if it is even truly possible.
If 1 person likes or dislikes something in the game and says as much on the forums, what % of the players base would like or dislike that same thing and not even ever come to the forum?
Hypothetically, ‘the people’ wouldn’t be bothered by you being ejected from your home and forced to live on the street. We’d just go on about our business, millions of happy campers, vs you, the vocal minority.
‘The Ignorance & Apathy of the Masses’ is an excuse used by bad people justify bad things.
I laughed too hard at this, simply because it is true.
DaoC had something similar, new players were automatically put in a newb guild that many ‘old’ players kept a couple characters in and there was almost always a paid by the company person present/online.
They also had a separate chat channel for ‘info’.
Players policed the trolls out so hard that trolls didn’t bother in those areas.
PvP to protect the newbs, was good for business.
Who’da thunk.
As I’ve said on multiple topics. Apathy is a dangerous card to see in play. Because it can spread and infect others, and doesn’t lead to growth but rather stagnation.
And even if it is only 5.1% who range from deeply to moderately ‘unhappy’ vs 51%, it’s still bad. May not be the straw that broke the camel’s back, but it’s moving in that direction and it’s HARD TO UNDO.
Why do something utterly and completely unnecessary and risk ANY percentage of your player base unless there’s an upside to it that will make other players happier/more-loyal?
Even shaking the loyalty of 1% of your subscriber base … over one silly arbitrary edit… is beyond foolish.
The “new player network” also has what are called Mentors. And its not easy becoming a Mentor. It’s considered a mark of pride to get that title. The network (on the server I’m on) typically had like 40-60 Mentors on at any time. With a “newby / returning player” cap of around 500.
So, they’re smart enough to understand that first impressions matter. Especially when you’re overwhelmed by a new game.
Blizzard could stand to have better teaching tools. That’s one area they’ve ALWAYS failed. Sure, they implemented the “class trial” but the problem is that it teaches bad habits. I tried it out on Ret Paladin. It encouraged you to burn Judgement as a method of pulling mobs. Yeah, an ability on a CD, that is tied to improving your DPS, and the Class Trial describes it as a “pull ability”.
Though, that said, all melee classes should have some kind of 30-40 yard pull ability. Doesn’t have to be big damage, just enough to grab their attention.