Rearranging and Removing Portals

It is a blast. We have them race through Org, and they cannot touch the ground. The two of us who put this on position ourselves to make sure no one cheats (uses mouse) and to take screenshots. We always have a huge turnout. Come Easter, we will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt in Night Hold again. Fun place to hide eggs!

Of course, to put these things on, it requires us to have the ability to get to places quickly so we can farm up pets to give away. Having to fly across pandaland instead of just taking a portal to the shrine wastes time that could be spent farming up new pets to hand out at the Easter event. :frowning:

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I set all of my hearths to the Shrines. If Blizzard wants to play this game, then they’ll find that my engagement metrics with current content drop when I have to consider whether I want to take two portals to Boralus/Dazar’alor, versus popping over the mountains to farm pets in Pandaria.


But Blizzardo’s precious Time Played Metric! It’d be hurt otherwise. Think of the poor starving folks at Blizzard. The ones who probably make half a million a year or more. How will they survive?

personally I play games to have fun and enjoy myself.
When the company itself is working against that, I think my time is over with their game and their company.
I played the very first Warcraft when it first came out.
Actually played the very first Might and Magic when it came out, way back when. Got a stack of old Activision games sitting in a box right here.
Had the old Coleco vision console…something Sinclair 1000 or whatever. First Atari line of consoles. I was there when pacman hit the cartridge market the first week for $50 a pop. Ive been around for a while.

In all this time Ive never seen a gaming company pull the crap that Activision / Blizzard is now.
Ive loved both of them in the past.
Somehow they made me hate them both over the last few months.
I’ll never ever touch or even consider a game by either of them ever again.


Well, EA is doing some pretty shady stuff as well. Bethesda has been messing up the past few months. It’s like the last quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 is all about “who can piss off the playerbase the most?”

EA, Blizzard and Bethesda right now are all in a rough spot because of similar mentalities. Arrogance, out of touch, uncaring, greedy.


Do you think they gathered in a room and discussed the worst ways to make their players angry lol?

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Sounds like you would be more suited for classic. And I have good news for you…its coming soon!


I’d love to see a breakdown on how flying, aka being able to travel more quickly, killed mog farming. Especially since people spend most of their time farming instances to fill out the wardrobe.

And how does it “open content too quickly”? That’s some vague business-speak with no real meaning behind it. Especially when we have to wait 8+ months to be able to fly in the current expansion.

Finally, professions have been steadily nerfed because Blizz is terrified of a repeat of TBC crafting being too powerful. Has absolutely nothing to do with flight.

So you have a bunch of complaints that are irrelevant to flying, but you’re still going to argue that the portal nerf is a good thing. I think I’ll be taking your opinion with a grain of salt the size of Uluru.


I think there’s a mentality in software design of having to constantly be changing for the sake of change. Things that weren’t broken get fixed, often making new unexpected problems in the process because the process of designing the change wasn’t carried out to a conclusion.

iTunes comes to mind. One generation, the product works well. The next, it suffers from feature-bloat or they’ve changed the interface around or something else is now different and it seems to have be different entirely for the sake of doing something different, not necessarily doing anything better.


absolute nonsense. Speak for YOU, not for me.
Without portals and flight I run from Point A to Point B ignoring everything along the way so I can get crap done and move on to the next thing in the game.
With flight and portals I spend time IN the content doing extra stuff because I know I can come and go as I please.

I wish you all would really quit trying to convince us of what we know to be false.
It aint working.
And to add FARMING wouldnt be a thing without flight or portals. people aint going to go farm those mats YOU might be needing if its taking 18 times longer to go farm it.
That AH would be pretty empty without farmers gathering up all that crap you dont want to spend the time looking for yourself.


Go into the premade group tab, create a raid group and list it, then right click your character and leave the group. This will port you back outside after one minute.


Lore-wise, I could maybe see a portal room being in ‘the demilitarized zone’ at the gate so that if an invasion came THROUGH the portals it wouldn’t be in the middle of Orgrimmar… but such an idea is ridiculous because our mages would swallow their felcide (like cyanide but more evil-green) pills before they help Allies. :wink:

I will say that it’s less disorienting getting from the new portal room to the cataclysm portal ring. Out, turn right, go up. Before it was… um this tunnel, or that tunnel, up and spin around… okay there’s the zeppelin towers, must be that way, oops wrong tower, over that way then, got it.

Slightly longer path, but much clearer. I can live with that. Still no reason to remove old portals from New Dalaran.


I’m disappointed by the portal room, well lack of portals and how far apart they are. Looks cool but thats about it, shouldve had more portals to other major cities from the previous expacs.

The post about portals missing from quests that suggest you use a portal shows how bad a decision this was on Blizzards side as well.


They do seem to love to change things just because. I think its not so much about change for the sake of change as they want to create the image of “progress”.


Which is a decent work-around, if you even know about it, but doesn’t change the fact that many dungeons and raids have had exits in some fashion. There’s no reason for a way out of the completed instance not to be standard in the design.

And even the work-around has you waiting afk for a minute until the port happens.


It looks cool, but not very functional. Especially after what happened to Darnassus, you’d think the Alliance would have designed a portal room that could handle a large number of people coming in or going out.

This is supposedly a bug, but who knows for sure.


The portals in New Dal, heck even the Arathi/Darkshore portals are -way- too close together. If you come at them from an angle and aren’t really careful, you will often click the wrong portal because their click-boxes are big and overlap.

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I’ve done that with Arathi/Darkshore, too. Had my cursor over the right portal, but because of the angle the other portal was in front of it. Annoying, even if it was my own fault for not checking the tooltip before I clicked.

Which they ‘fixed’ by putting that guard behind the portals so that you end up accidentally clicking him/her like 90% of the time now. SIGH

Do they even test these things? :wink:


With all respect

Eat my quiver
(WTF i dont have that either!)

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