Rearranging and Removing Portals

From what i notice ,this is true you have more xp in 8.1 at 110 than you were in 8,0.It only more difficult leveling in 8.1 because of the changes due to legendary got nerfed at 116 and a crazy system Blizzard made.

You seem unwilling to compromise, even a little, as a company. Despite a huge amount of feedback.

Maybe then, I don’t really want to continue to do business with your company? I’m not a fan. I’m a customer. There are other shops on this street.


In theory this sounds great. But because the entire game is now phrased I will most likely never see the same players again.

I don’t bother to look and see who a player is or what guild they belong to anymore. It’s pointless and it makes me truly sad to think about that part of WoW being gone.

No one is interacting with each other because you took away the need for us to. LFR, LFG, and a world were you can pretty much solo everything has eliminated the need for players to interact with each other. Not this “encourage transportation flow through newer places where players are more likely to interact with other players.” Give players content that requires us to interact. Then maybe we will.


Since 5k posts wasn’t enough now you have another thread with over 6k posts, and here is what I’ve learned. ./clear throat

Blizzard knows best listen to those devs, it’s a small world out there.
Blizzard knows best one way or another you just don’t understand, I swear.
Portals, flying, abilities and class sets. Stop no more you’ll just be upset.
Blizzard knows best take it from the devs on your own you wont enjoy.
Complicated, convoluted, too many choices.
Please your so overwhelmed.
Blizzard understand, Blizzards here to help you.
They only have one request.
Never think for yourselves again.
Don’t forget it you’ll regret it.
Blizzard knows best.



6599 posts you all are blowing this thread out of the water.

Truthspeaker, Thank you for bringing this mistake I made to my attention.

Yes you are correct I worded it incorrectly however if you go to the link to Wowhead that was provided in that post and look at the Full Leveling Data Chart at Level 40 it shows that it took 95,700 in patch 7.0.3, 133,980 in patch 7.3.5 & 123,280 in patch 8.0.1 to reach the next level which is actually a substantial increase from what it was in 7.0.3; See attached WoWhead link and look at the Full Leveling Data Chart provided midway down the page on the left:
Levels 20 to 39 had the highest % of increase with some being as high as the mid 40% range.( Why the chart shows a 0% increase for levels 20 to 39 must be an error because you can clearly see how much difference there are in the amounts from 7.0.3 to 8.0.1 ) At level 20 Exp to hit next level in 7.0.3 was 27,300; In 7.3.5 it was 42,315, And in 8.0.1 it was 42,320; So if you look at what the XP that was required in 7.0.3 in comparison to 8.0.1 it is actually a substantual increase to make it to the next level of 21

I know it was off topic however we were talking about things that have been done in the past to make things take longer as is the removal and moving of some portals.


Wow! This thing’s still going, eh?

::pops popcorn for Tuesday::


Bring a lot cause there is going to be a lot of rage that day. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Gotta extend those time played hours somehow boys!


This is all about them controlling how and where we travel, and little else.

More and more, WOW is a game on rails, playing how they want us to play, directing us in the way they want it to be.

From the gating of flight to these portals to what was called “directed discovery”, bit by bit the playerbase is being led around by the nose, “this is how we want you to play”

OF COURSE we are being funnelled into rooms, that way what we do and where we go can be controlled and directed, according to what THEY see “is fun and what isnt fun”

They want you to go where they want you to, how they want, where they want, in the manner they want, which explains to a great degree their sudden distaste for flight.…it has zero to do with anything other than their desire to control the player experience at a base level.

On your flying mount you control what you do…not them. You do as YOU wish, not what they want you to do.

“We will tell you what fun is and what is not, you will play as we want you to”

In every sense of the word, this entire exercise from WOD till now has been for one main goal and one main imperative, structured play according to the devs wishes and “vision”

Blizzard hates flight because it is uncontrolled and undirected, flight paths have set routes and again, you can be funnelled into them to do the content they want you to do.

They send you where they want you to go, see what they have created in a manner they want …somewhere along the way WOW ( not that it was ever a sandbox ) became or is being turned into a “directed exercise” along preset paths.

Two sets of kids:

One playing a game of football with specific rules and strategies - directed, managed.

The other is a wild screaming bunch of kids in a game of kickball, with no rules save their own.

WOW is that first group.

Every single thing is directed and managed…but you tell me who is having more fun?

The first group …or the second?

That, folks, is at the heart of all these changes.

Thats why people are fed up…at a core aspect of humanity, we rebel against a straitjacketed approach, people dont like and dont want a play experience that is - to use a term from a mate of mine yesterday - “claustrophobic and restrictive”

Every game has rules, we know that…but when a game becomes more of an exercise in being led around by the nose and their every movement according to someone elses structure, thats when they feel limited, hamstrung.

Play is to a great extent uncontrolled and spontaneous, chaotic in nature. The more complex a civilisation, the more simple the play,

Directed play is the complete antithesis, bound by invisible ropes, rules, restrictions, limitations…no one likes to be placed on rails and told to go where others want you to go.

No one.

That isnt play.

That, to an extent, is like being in a maze with set lights telling you where to go, rather than you working it out for yourself.

WOD was the beginning, where the wishes of the devs and designers became the principles in how the game was created…rather than to the desires and happiness of those who were playing it.

The ones for whom Azeroth was created.


Remember that Blue post who told us it was their game and we were “invited guests” along for the ride?

Thats why.

Thats where that joke meme came from “fun was detected, fun was nerfed”

Every single day, every single expac, WOW is becoming more and more to the devs vision of what fun should be…at the expense of the people for whom the game was originally made.

Agree with me or not, doesnt matter in the end.

The next time you go ingame, note how many choices you have, how much control you have over what you do and and how much you dont…then think on how many choices have been removed.

Then ask yourself why.

Over to you.


I’ve got my kettle ready and just bought some fresh popcorn all I have to do now is put the butter in the kettle let it heat up and melt and start popping! :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:


Since you’re on a mage, port to Tol Barad instead and in 14 seconds you’ll be in Uldum on Horde or Alliance.

Note how you cant turn off that new voice system. People use outside voice systems, no one asked for it, no one wanted it, yet there it was with no opt out.

What was missing?

What has been asked for from day one?

An off switch.

I and others have asked this from day one…why was this placed into our launchers and no choice as to whether we wanted it or not?

How everything was tied into BNET and the launcher, minus an appear offline system that took then five years to incorporate. Remember that? When no matter what you did or whete you went in whatever game, others could see wheat you were doing…whether you wanted them to or not?

How you cant opt out or turn off quick join?


I think they’ve slowed the loading screens intentionally as well.

They never used to take this long until a few weeks ago.

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Their forums, or the folks ingame? Because I would say our ingame folks are very happy compared to what you read here.

I’ve only been in game so far and never had any problems getting help when needed where as here in the lower areas more so it’s hard to get someone to help because lower levels are like ghost towns now on the Garona server.

Over there there’s so many people playing in every zone and nice, willing to help.

I think we have a scale issue in WoW now. It is so large, people are spread all over the place. I don’t know anything about the game you are describing, but it sounds like lower level areas may be limited so folks are naturally more concentrated.

I remember trying games like SWToR and GW2 back in the day, and those were similar. Very crowded, willing to help. didn’t take long though for the whole game to become a ghost town as a result of players migrating somewhere else though.

And, in typical fashion, we won’t see another reply on this thread before Tuesday, and this won’t be reverted in any meaningful timeframe (if at all). In Players Versus Stern Fatherly Developers, players always lose, even if they “win” a compromise.

But hey, we get a blue post saying; “What’s the first thing you’ll do in 8.1.5?! HYPE guys!”

Tells you a lot.

A lot of you are making the mistake in thinking that you’re actually valuable to the company. Please don’t take this the wrong way - try and see it from their perspective.

There’s millions of us players. They can afford to lose small numbers of players, including individuals like us - you, me, and many people posting here. They can’t afford to lose every single player - yes, if everyone canceled their payments on the same day that would send the company into a tailspin. But they can afford to lose what they are definitely projecting to be a “small percentage of players.”

The only way you’re going to win this fight is to prove that the “small percentage” is much bigger than they anticipated. We’ll see what happens tomorrow when the patch drops. It’ll be popcorn-worthy for sure.

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Let’s see first thing i’ll do for starter tuesday ,the usual in the morning ,every human being does,then make me a cup of tea,look at the news( see if the world is still here or we are being taken over by space aliens ) make some breakfast ,then log in to watch the drama unfold before my eye in trade chat and in forums when some players that didn’t know find out about there’s no portals that they usually farm with.