Rearranging and Removing Portals

Dev, out of idea already, lol.
I will not resub after my sub ended.


This portal thing is just another step in being out of touch with the community and possibly the game as a whole.

I mean, I stated it before. It would cost them to make the portal room, code the portals there, code out the ones they are removing, and recoding the ones that are invisible unless you have a quest for that area, then to just leave it the way it is.


Quote from the other thread:

"does the world feel a bit bigger to you? Do you like that? "

To answer… no. I don’t like that. If you release a massive new continent then awesome! I would love that, because there is new stuff to do and to explore. Old stuff? Not so exciting.

Look, I’ll make it clear for you guys since you don’t understand. People like playing games because they like playing games. Flying to the place you want to do stuff ISN’T DOING STUFF. It’s the opposite of doing stuff.


I sure hope they realize that. It’s like almost every player in here has expressed the same views.

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The problem is - they DO realize that. They know full well what people want. But what they want is to stretch your game play time out as much as possible - they’re after that monthly $$.


honestly, the only happy thing I care about is that a Blue posted actually addressed a hot topic in the community.

like, the absence from the community is not cool, it’s not blizzard, and you guys should be ashamed of what you’ve become.

with that said, i hope you guys will continue communicating with the people that made this company great - the fans.


I am going to pay my monthly and that’s it. Why would I want to pay for services for other things if this is the way they are treating us?

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Active Play: doing things, finding hidden goodies, killing mobs.

Passive Play: Travelling between locations with nothing of interest or importance happening.

Active Play is of course what we should be engaged in as much as possible!


The ones thing I saw earlier was the post about “What will it take you to buy a new xpac” or something like that. SO many were like, as soon as it is announced they would be preordering it. That is what Blizz like to see, just throw it out there and they will buy. But there were also a lot of good posts about what some wanted, including putting the portals back and never removing them again.

But the “Just say it’s there and I will buy it” is a little disturbing. I mean it is their money and I am not one to tell anyone what to do with it. But still, this is not the same game as it was and people have to see it right?


Many people don’t like to address problems. Because if they are willing to admit there is a problem, there is a certain amount of responsibility to try and correct that problem.

It’s easier to stay ignorant or refuse to admit there is a problem. Because if there is no problem, you’re not responsible. There is no pressure placed on you to try and correct things.

I might give this a try. FFVIX is too anime for my taste lol.

For those who aren’t quitting after Tuesday, the best place to set your hearth is at the shrine. They left the portal to your faction’s main city.


Have fun at the next earnings call explaining why you guys lost a substantial chunk of subs in the next 30 days. I’m sure the stock holders will be really happy to hear " But, but, we knew better than the subscribers! -Blizz"


Lag obviously means bigger to them I guess. All the time run into people who’s characters are stuck in one spot running in place, because they cram everyone into one area with crz, or a city hub to give the illusion the world is bigger lol.

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I don’t look forward to seeing how much worse Stormwind / Orgrimar will be. Because the folks who want to go anywhere EXCEPT new content are now being forced to go through a single city. Yeah, that’s how you overload servers.


Yeah,that why i said in the other thread “Run to the hills and hide”.But would like to see what happens.

Agreed, removing any portals is a bad idea.

It’s obvious that pretty much anyone who ever posts here, has on this subject… All of which seem to be unanimously against the idea.

Makes absolutely zero sense, other than consolidating portals in major cities.

Knowing the portal network was like a life skill for any long term WoW player, this is going to mess with me big time.

Not looking forward to this utterly pointless change AT ALL!


I’ll just leave this here:


Plenty of games have quick travel and still have large, compelling worlds to explore. One recent example would be Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which was hugely successful and helped cement a new console into the market.

Removing options from players in a game that is already faltering in many areas seems like a poorly thought out plan.
Portal room = good
Portal removal = bad

That’s the simplest terms I can put this whole issue in. Adding things and making things convenient is always a welcome change. Removing a players choice in how and where they travel in a game is never a welcome change, WoD + Flight = perfect example of this.

Pathfinder still generates negative feedback and controversy to this day and will likely continue to do so if Legion and BfA are the blueprint for it going forward.

At a time when players are already on edge, employees are being laid off, faith in Blizzard is diminished and in some cases lost, and other games are being put in “maintenance mode” why would you want to even risk stirring the pot with such an unnecessary change like this?

People can argue all they want about it being no big deal or being a very big deal, but in the end this is just another negative in an ever growing list of poor decisions. 8.1.5 should have been about moving the game forward, advancing the story and giving players more to do. Instead this will be remembered more as the portal debacle in WoW history that generated over 12k posts across two threads.

Whatever developers worked on this new portal room, I feel bad for them. Whoever green lit the removal of other portals diminished this new feature.

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel every patch/expansion and instead focus on fixing the flaws and bugs in what we already have. I’d have honestly preferred if the person or persons who worked on the portals had instead fixed at least one recurring bug that has lingered in the game for multiple expansions, like the Sunsong Ranch plot that is out of range of the sprinkler(random example - has been bugged since Legion, maybe longer).
That would have been a better legacy for 8.1.5 than the Portal room.


It’s off topic for the thread, but I’m not sure you understand the number differences between patches. The numbers and percentages aren’t a measure of XP gain, but of the amount needed to get to the next level.

Using level 40 as an example, in 7.0, 95,700 xp was needed to get to the next level and in 8.1, only 86,300 is needed. You need less xp to level, so leveling is faster in 8.1 than it was back in 7.0.

Level 40
7.0 = 95,700
7.3.5 = 133,980
8.0 = 123,280
8.1 = 86,300

Again, the numbers aren’t measuring experience increase or the amount of xp being given, of given back, but of the amount of xp needed to get to the next level.

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