Rearranging and Removing Portals

oh…shes a really spiteful demon :grin:
she could make a nun cuss.
she heard me say Id get that bag and knew it had our camera in it.
We were putting it into the cab with us…well, that was the plan anyway.
She knew what she was doing and did it on purpose.
I had to hold my tongue and eat the cost though.
My wife and I had only been married like three years at that point and I wasnt comfortable enough yet to chew her out and demand she pay for the camera.

Just the description alone is making me hungry. While I don’t mind cooking, the problem is, I’m a bachelor. So, the problem with many recipes would be “how do I store it” or “who do I feed it to?”

I just can’t wait for Tuesday the 12th to roll around and see the reactions of all the players that don’t have a clue what is coming in the patch; It will really hit the fan hard; Gotta stock up on some popcorn!

On Topic we all know the real reason behind the portals that are being removed and put in other places is to make the game more tedious and time consuming to increase their precious time metrics to the board, Right?

At least that’s my honest opinion!



Portion control is one of the hardest skills to learn.

I always struggle with it myself.

Especially with pasta and soups. “Oh I’m just going to make a smal…*suddenly noodles!”

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An opinion that is spot on.
no one has been able to give any good reason otherwise and we know blizzard staff will say ANYTHING they need to and so cant be trusted with the truth.

Given the other changes like removal of Master Loot that really hurt the time for Guilds to gear up, it fits perfectly that this sadistic move was just to waste more of our time.


Pancakes and french toast. I love both but they’re a mess to make. I found a recipe for them that is fun. You can BAKE them! Less mess, less oil used as well (since you’re baking and not frying).

Prepare the batter like normal for pancakes. Fill each tin to about halfway (roughly). Cook at 375 for 20 minutes (you may need to adjust based on your oven, season and all that). You can always freeze the pancakes and reheat them later.

For french toast, make the batter like normal, break each slice of bread into four parts, dip as normal, then place into the greased tin. Cook for the same amount of time. Not sure the french toast would handle freezing however.

I’ve always loved pancakes. They can be tricky, but well worth the endeavor.

I’ve made pancakes out of coconut bread once, it was quite good.

If anyone is curious about the short ribs, feel free to assemble the link below. Trust system be damned!
imgur .com / ILSAIbe

I’m going to have to look that up. When I do the pancakes / french toast I mentioned above I use coconut oil to grease the tins. Coconut oil is lovely as it breaks down easier in your body. The only downside to coconut oil is baking.

IE coconut oil tends to thicken up quickly when it gets cold. If a recipe calls for things like eggs and oil, you won’t be able to mix them. Though I’m sure a good cook could find a way to make it work.

It’s a Ramsey recipe if you’re curious. I own several of his cookbooks, which are a worthy investment for anyone who is interested in cooking.

His Ultimate Cookery series in particular is great. Has recipes that everyone from a novice to a full fledged chef can cook.

I’m not a big meat eater anymore. Oh, I’m not vegan or anything, I do enjoy meat, but my stomach just can’t handle the “heavy” meats like it used to.

So when I do eat meat its usually mixed with pasta, in stew, or chili beans.

I make waffles from kodiak powercake mix. Super easy to me and I like the macronutrient profile. Plus, add some pure vanilla extract and pumpkin pie spice and they’re like dessert - oh and whip cream if you’re feeling special.

Does red meat make you ill? If so, and if you live in a tick heavy area, you may have ran afoul of the Lone Star. Demonic little beasts, they can give you a life long allergy to red meat.

I was bit by one, and red meat made me ill for a few months. Thank the gods that cleared.

Kodiak is wonderful. I’ve fallen in love with their little “flapjack cups”

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Wish my mom’s recipes weren’t very much of a “pinch of this, dash of that” sort of deal. She had a wonderful recipe for apricot sauce that would be poured on pancakes or french toast.

All I remember was it involved sugar, apricot nectar, flour and I think baking soda. The mixture was shaken up in a container, stirred up, then cooked.

You could swap other juices, though grape juice came out like jelly and apple juice came out like apple sauce.

Sadly I doubt she knows the amount of each ingredient anymore.

Yep, Master loot which had a gigantic thread as well but no resolution.

The Thread “XP FROM DUNGEONS” started as a sticky by a CM asking for feedback on a bug (Yeah Right) generated in patch 7.3.5 but no responses to any of the feedback in that thread that they started a year ago and has just now died out.

Two Mob Scaling threads where players went flying around taking screen shots which the Dev’s did adjust after the first thread however the 2nd person flew around taking screen shots of the exact locations as the first thread showing that they were still off but it was ignored completely.

Now this thread on them removing and moving some of the portals.

There are other things but the one thing they have in common is that it was all changes the Dev’s made to make it more tedious for us players and isn’t it ironic that they messed with the HP’s and damage increase of the npc’s just when they were offering the pre-purchase of BFA which offered the new races for players and could unlock and level them early.

All of the above was done for one reason and one reason alone and that was to increase their time metrics.


I can handle red meat, just not as much as I used to. Chicken and fish I can handle heavier amounts, but again, not as much as I used to. I think it mostly boils down to the fact I’m not a spring chicken anymore.

But anyway, back on topic! This topic keeps on getting derailed! Not always a bad thing, lets people calm down for awhile.

How did this thread derail to food? This is how they will bury this topic.


This is true. Dumble brings up a good point, this whole portal thing seems to be in the same mode of thought as the other ‘Increase time played’ ideas.

Lass, let’s face it, the topic was buried the moment it was born. They’ve chosen to bury their heads in the sand and not communicate.


I know but i just don’t want them to lock it.

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I think the big problem has always been that they underestimate just how fast the casual player consumes content. So they’re always looking at ways to slow us down. That and of course the fact they use time played as a measuring stick for their investors.

So its a mixture of both overall. However, the former doesn’t really hold weight in this matter because we’re talking about outdated content being impacted. So there’s no excuse for them to slow us down in that regard.

So, the only logical reason remaining is they’re doing this for monetary reasons and not for the health of the game.