This basically said “We’ve processed a lot of feedback on this & come to the conclusion that your opinion doesnt matter & were going to do what we wanna do”
The smart thing to say at this point would be “We understand you dont agree with this change but were going to try it out & if people still dont like it, we will re-add portals to former locations”
You should really hire people that play your game to give you feedback. Ive been playing almost non-stop since BC. If you told me half the decisions you were thinking about making, I couldve told you how the community would respond. I know most of the people working on WoW dont actually play it anymore. I literally see all their tweets about other games every single day.
No, actually, it’s not. You need to realize NONE of this feedback will be read. If it wasn’t acknowledged in the thread of thousands… why is anything this poster posting going to be read by Blizzard?
Blizzard, this change is overall, AWFUL.
You are adding a portal room, which is nice. Full stop. You are removing portals from other areas of the game and justifying the removal using some shallow reasons that many of your players aren’t buying, and are unhappy because it makes the game more inconvenient. If your players are not buying it they might be realizing their feedback isn’t being heard and they might realize it’s time to leave this dumpster fire.
I’m really tired of this. You guys are ruining the game I loved.
Oh that room. I guess I don’t see it as "underneath"which is the ground. That room is like another dimension, like the top of the tower.
Yeah, I use that place to go to the caverns sometimes and fall down into the crater too. Have no idea where the other portals go - never used them.
But if they’re putting in a different portal to Silithus, that’s close. So is the Uldum portal.
My alts don’t go anywhere except DMF monthly. There’s a lady you can pay to get there. Or they’re all gonna hearth at Thunder Bluff in the future.
I just don’t see the total inconvenience and drastic impediment to our traveling with the portal changes that people are yelling about. Even with portals, traveling around to the old world has always been a logistical pain to plan out.
I may just use my archaeology doodad that sends me somewhere I didn’t even want to go and take my chances (the shadowfiend cave in WPL or the bottom of some lake in Un’goro is always nerve wracking).
There have been many posts of people hating Personal Loot, and hating TItanforging cause it makes the game feel more like a casino. Want that best in slot? Better play a few hundred times, meanwhile it’ll drop for someone that doesn’t need it - but! They can’t trade it to you 'cause… reasons???
Not many people like this, and there’s a post about it on the forums that always gets quite a bit of traction every other day.
Things get added and removed due to feedback and ideas that both the devs and the community come up with.
People didn’t ask for Titanforging and Personal Loot to be implemented in exactly the way that they are today.
And if people like yourself asked for portals to be removed, then they are only removing some and not all, and you should be outraged and calling for more to be removed.
They need to take the ideas that are presented and think about the impact those ideas have on the game. How can they best implement the idea?
How is it good to remove the portal to CoT and how is it good to remove the portal to the middle of MoP? How is the removal of these portals, without a replacement balancing act occuring as part of the same change, how is that remotely a good thing?
IF any of them actually PLAYED the game in any meaningful way theyd know exactly what the problem is and why we’re complaining.
WoD flight 2.0
As if losing the subs they have because of the controlling crap theyve pulled with BfA isnt enough.
This isn’t mob mentality. It’s clearly obvious what’s going on to anyone that doesn’t suffer from a lobotomy. If you’re ready to chug on the swill that Blizzard is selling, then by all means chug away ~
Taking things away from the game, IMO, has led to the decline that we see now. Starting after WoD… when numerous QoL improvements were revoked… we’ve only seen removals but we’re expected to continue supporting this dumpster fire.
Guess what though? They ignored this feedback months ago on the PTR forums and only NOW are they choosing to address it when the patch is literally around the corner.
If that’s the way you want to spin it. Or I could say we have a large following of individuals who are passionate about this game and don’t want to see Blizzard stumble over an inane change that decreases player QoL.
You’re wrong and your guiding philosophy is a horrible justification for a needless action. Portals need to be restored to Dalaran (Northrend) and the Shrine, not removed from everywhere else.
These changes have always impeded the player’s ability to experience an expansion. Are you removing the portals to the Cataclysm zones with this update? Are you making them phased? Will you continue to have portals to the two faction capitals of Orgrimmar and Stormwind? Players still have a hearthstone, Dalaran hearthstone, and Garrison hearthstone. I can also port to the Timeless Isle, Karazhan, Black Temple, Blackrock Depths, Dalaran (Northrend), the Argent Tournament, and Tol Barad. Are you going to take that away?
The only thing this does is make it more annoying for a max-level character to get around. It doesn’t stop them from taking a portal to a place. It just makes them take more portals (isn’t that ironic). But it does prevent characters leveling through expansions from being able to go back to their capital city of choice.
Lastly, why were there ever portals to Dalaran in Orgrimmar when no such portals existed in Stormwind?