Kaivax, I know it is not your fault. But can you arrange to give them feedback about how bad this ¨tradition¨of yours is? And how no one seems to be ok with it?
Why if the current expansion is getting bashed on every other website you keep making decisions that are broadly unwanted?
My constructive criticism for you is:
Unless it’s causing an outrage, focus on adding, not on removing. Please.
Shame on you blizzard developers for sending a customer service rep in here to do your job of interacting with your customer base and dealing with the fall out of this horrible time waste of traveling now.
What portals do you guys want? If you have to ask, then you are beyond clueless and out of touch with the game.
B-“Were thinking about doing x, what do you think?”
GD-" No dont do x because of a b & c"
B-“Were still gonna do x, and heres why you should like it”
Why even bother asking for feedback when no matter what you heard you werent going to listen? Youre just wasting everyones time with the false hope that you might actually change your mind
Um… what? I’m saying they added Titanforging and Personal Loot BECAUSE of community feedback from what they call “average users” aka casuals. What are you talking about?
Not a huge fan of the removals, but I will adapt and continue on.
@Developers - ease of travel keeps people playing when the game is a tedious grind. You lose players to boredom when even getting around the world is a chore. Take a lesson from other games, even the Grandfather of MMO’s Ultima Online has extensive ways (Portals, Runebooks, Marks to personal locations) to get around without tedium.
And here’s another issue with it. I like games to avoid my real life woes, like being stuck at a slow pace doing something I know I could be doing faster were it not for someone else ruining it for me.
Blizzard should forevermore be associated with that one guy who backed up traffic for an hour right when you got off work and made you sit in traffic.
This, right here, is one of the universal problems across all these scandals. The focus seems to be on removing, lessening, shrinking, instead of growing and adding.
I never comment on these things. Usually, somewhere, someone has already commented my exact thoughts, but just incase they haven’t, i wanted to put one post up myself this time.
I am currently not playing WoW because of the current state of the game. I am not thrilled but here i am looking for any reason to start again. There has been very little feed back on the state of the game from devs with the exception of a watered down Q&A here and there. Still, we all move on.
So here i am reading this portal update. Your arguement has some weight behind it and makes sense in some points but i think there is some huge oversight here. These people that are complaining about the portals going away are not newbies just getting into the game. They’re veterans who use these portals to cut through the dull parts of the game. They havent used these portals “100 times”. Try thousands. These are people who have played through every inch of this game and know every inch of the map inside out. They dont need another flight path to delay them. They just want to get from point A to point B and run their farming routes for whatever it is that they’re doing.
With all of that said, your point would be more valid IF!! The old world was more relevant. Some changes like arathi maybe? Something new to see/explore. An actual reason to revisit old content is whats actually needed. Removing portals with out gaining anything is just… a loss. Another one at that. All expansion the player base has been hit with a fat L and here we are again.
So finally, my main point. The community yet again has argued their point and it truly feels lile you guys just are not listening. Hopefully i start seeing something more promising soon. I would love to play your game again