says it all
They’ve made their response…here’s mine. Subscription canceled. Goodbye.
Hopefully. These posts are equivalent to 18 threads on the old forums. The last time I remember folks getting this angry was with Draenor flying. Which we did end up getting through a compromise (Pathfinder Achievement).
Personally, I had expected the Org portal room to be connected to the cleft. I was completely surprised when I saw that it was at the front gates of the city.
Yeah canceled mine too. This is stupid. There was not reason for this other then We want too now deal with it.
Not really. I have used that portal on alts in their 40s just to access Tanaris/Gadgetzan. What use would the Uldum portal be to such characters? Also, what justification would there be to lower the level required by an entire bracket when it is a zone made for higher level characters to quest in?
So Stupid. Really stupid thanks they are going to go through with this anyway. Nice to know player feed back doesn’t matter.
This was a terrible idea. I’ve been playing this game since 2005 and all that keeps me coming back is farming old content. As it is I’ve kept a Legion Dalaran hearthstone in my bag to get to Karazhan and Caverns of Time, my normal hearthstone set to Vale of Eternal Blossoms for access to Pandaria world bosses and Shattrath, and the WoD garrison stone as an emergency backup to get back to Stormwind if the other two are on cooldown but I’m not near a portal city.
Please let me know if you fix (aka put the portals back) this terrible decision so I can subscribe again.
Wait till live patch they may hotfix. If not i’m gone for good. There is other games.
28 minutes?
Sum it up for me in one sentence.
They have already made their position clear.
You don’t do pet battles do you? There are several pet battle dailies in Pandaria (there is at least one in every single zone) that award bags, some of those bags can contain pets that can be sold, even if you already have them and don’t need them yourself. This makes doing those dailies very worthwhile to people who are into pet battles.
Well, good luck with your sub numbers. This crap is all over the internet now. Some people might be unsubbing directly because of this change but more than likely, most that do unsub will be because of the old “straw on the camel’s back” sort of thing. You remove, remove, and remove for nonsensical reasons and people are sick of it.
I’m more on the side of the camel and I’m seriously considering, after more than 14 years, of finally hanging up my gloves. Constantly boxing against stupid, pointless decisions has gotten excessively tiresome.
that’s actually not true, considering without their customers MONEY, US being the customer blizzard would be nothing but a vacant building rotting away because their company went under. Fact of the matter is we are the reason they get a paycheck, therefore, we should have a decent amount of say in the product that we are PAYING for. I just cant wait for the day that everyone gets fed up and unsubs and blizzard is forced to change.
I gotta say, when it comes down to it, all Blizzard is doing is making me want to play WoW less.
This isn’t going to make me more engaged. This isn’t going to make the world “feel larger”. If I, say, wanted to farm a transmog item from Karazhan on multiple characters, I’d just have to hop down to Dalaran and then into Karazhan I go.
Now it just feels like an inconvenience. It is not time spent doing what I want to do. It’s completely arbitrary time spent either waiting for a zeppelin in Orgrimmar to Stranglethorn and then flying to Deadwind Pass or flying from Stormwind to Deadwind Pass. And then I look at the characters I planned on doing that as and go, “Eh, no thanks.” And log out.
Then maybe I just go play another game and let WoW lapse because all you’re doing is hamstringing me from the activities I want to take part in.
I feel the devs threw there brains in the trash for the sake of Greed. This change is just stupid. I ask why
This sums up how I’ve been feeling this entire expansion. I feel like its been one giant time gate and case of “we appreciate the feedback but you are wrong and this is what we are going to do regardless.” I tried to give this expansion a shot i really have. I even went so far as to grind out all my reps to exalted ( yes even those dang turtles) within the first month and a half and raiding. Ever since however I have found myself playing less and less. The game is starting to feel like a job more than a fun game. I already have one job i don’t need a second one and that right there is the problem. Portal room to condense portals? sure I’m all for that. but don’t “phase” portals or get rid of some all together ( COT, Dalaran crater). I’m going to stick around till patch day and probably till the end of the month to see how this goes when it actually goes live and any potential hotfixes, but i find myself wanting to play less and less the further this expansion creeps along sadly. Just my two cents.
If I could send my lock mog to a mage, as well as my Dragonwrath, I’d switch in a heartbeat.
I’m beginning to think Lore made this blue message,so much smirk.
Definitely has that trademark “Lore” feel to it.