It still an illusion .Are we still in this bad nightmare? Even in a dreamscape Azeroth is too big to walk it.
Well said, OP. This bliz post is everything wrong with the gaming industry nowadays. It is so anti-player it is sickening.
Remember in the old day Blizzard cared? They talked with us and not at us. What happen from then and now?
They could…but they probably won’t. Because of the insane corporate-thought that making more every quarter than the last, every quarter, every time is feasible. Eventually everyone has bought the Samophlange.
It’s a real Tortoise-and-Hare Teachable Moment.
I already left multiple feedback in the other thread that got ignored that covered how I feel about death by a thousand cuts, how much a priority collecting is to me, how I don’t think increasing time to travel makes the world more immersive, how I don’t care about scale of the world - just playing the content IN said world, how there was a personal issue that made me attached to the Shrines because the last thing someone did was port me and my husband to the Shrine before committing suicide, and how this doesn’t increase my desire to play BFA nor will it increase my engagement with other players.
I am highly disappointed this change is going through as it is. I am shocked how many people are so for the change because they want everyone to play the way they do. If I want to log on and pop into old raids to collect, why does that hurt anyone if I want to do it a few minutes faster with conveniences already put in the game?
If you make me take longer to do the things I want to do, I will spend less time playing the game.
I am not going to suddenly be exploring places I’ve been to thousands of times. I did loremaster pre-Cata, I did loremaster POST-Cata when it changed the zones and thus the achievements! I have done the quests, explored every nook and cranny, got all the things I needed from the areas, and caught all the pets I wanted.
I am not going to choose content in BFA over old content because I am just waiting for flying since you force us to do almost everything before we can even have it. I know it’s better for my collecting to wait until the expansion after 1) my character is better geared and can solo/clear the content faster and 2) flying is available so I don’t waste time running from place to place in zones designed to be as utterly annoying and nonsensical from the ground on purpose.
I’ll adapt, because I’ve always adapted, but shame on you for crying ‘tradition’ as your reasoning when it was clearly not the case. I will adapt, but this is just another cut, another low-burning frustration that I will be constantly reminded of as I farm a raid for the umpteenth time just to not get the mount I wanted /again/. I can only deal with so many more things that are upsetting me, but the biggest of all is how devs aren’t listening to feedback and don’t care about the players and just have this ~vision~ that doesn’t even make sense and are intent on running this ship into the ground for the sake of the siren song they’re chasing.
Once upon a time, there was an annoying RP mechanic (and I’m a roleplayer!) in the Tournament and you could talk to the NPC and ask him to “skip the pleasantries” saving minutes for every run. That was amazing! I was so excited to see that added, because there are a lot of old raids with unskippable RP mechanics that are just as tedious as the time wasted to get there. I should know, I just got out of Dragon Soul before coming here to post. Not to mention waiting for Arthas to have a dramatic death for 2.5ish minutes before I can loot him and get out.
This doesn’t change anything but increase my travel time. I am still going back to do old content solo. I will be traveling solo, I will AFK if I am forced to take a more tedious path, I will not engage with other players while heading to solo old content just like I don’t do that now. I will not feel the world is more engaging, I will not believe the “illusion” that there are tons of active players all over because they’re herded like errant sheep into 1/4 faction capitals and the end-game content while everywhere else is a ghost town.
You already made it hard to interact with others through CRZ and phasing. You know what made me start playing the game solo? When I couldn’t help my low level friends on my higher level toon. When I’d be flying them on my 2-seater mount just to show them the world when they were brand new and they’d flicker in and out from atop my saddle. Or I’d come to their call for help only to realize I couldn’t see them and could do nothing but hover over their dot and watch my party member die. I couldn’t even rez them, I would have to wait for them to release and fly them back to the “deadzone” where they would phase out again. I felt so helpless and it made me realize I couldn’t ever level with my husband ever again, either (and we met in WoW) because if we are just slightly on different parts of the quests in a zone we’re likely going to be unable to see each other. We have to be doing the EXACT same zone and quests and turn ins at the same time.
I am happy to stay subbed year round and do old content, mixed with a bit of new while I wait for the next patches or expansion to go live so I can do that expansion. I play the game solo now, though I do find time to interact - normally when I forget about phasing and try to help a lowbie do a quest only to find I can’t and have to shrug my shoulders and say “sorry!”
I already wanted to be a mage as a druid and spent tons of time getting reputations (at 100 exalted) so I can have the portals or toys or convenience items that come with them. I’m frustrated you’re taking both my CoT portals since Dragon Soul is so infuriating as it is I don’t want it to take any longer than it already does and I have to hype myself up for it.
Thank god I’m a druid, at least until you take away my Dreamway portals, too. You’ve taken so many other things, it’s just a matter of time as far as I’m concerned.
I’m much older than I was when I first picked up a copy of vanilla WoW and started playing. I’ve gone from a recent high school graduate to a married woman with a full house and college education and a career. I don’t like feeling “nickel and dimed” with my time just to make the world seem artificially bigger.
More and more these days, I alt-tab while flying or waiting for an RP speech I can’t skip that I’ve heard hundreds of times and forget I was even playing because I get invested in something else like an article, a video, or I go to take my puppies outside and just start playing.
I’m upset, but I’ll adapt. But I won’t like it, and it’s just one more thing on a list of lots of needless changes and removals and lowered quality of life that’s making it harder and harder for me to WANT to play.
And I love this game. I met my husband at the FIRST Darkmoon Faire in Elwynn Forest. I can never thank WoW enough for giving us a chance to meet in an age when meeting other nerds was still difficult.
I want but know I won’t get most if any:
-A portal room in every faction city.
-The return of portals to Northrend Dalaran, Mists of Pandaria, and Legion Dalaran.
-The portals for Karazhan, Caverns of Time, Wyrmrest Acccord, and Dalaran Crater added to the portal room.
-I want the portal room to take me to the SHRINE in the Vale and NOT Jade Forest.
-I want the portal room to take me to LEGION DALARAN and NOT Aszuna.
Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.
THAT would have been “good idea + excellent execution”
Blizzard however seems to be masters at “good idea + poor execution”
I’m out of likes, but
This needs to be seen and repeated over and over again. On the surface, removing a few portals may seem like a small change (to the devs) in the grand scheme of things.
But small mistakes, consistent in game “ear flicks” and annoyances, ignored feedback and bad design choices, loss of trust for the dev team… All will add up to something called a “death by a thousand cuts” and will force players away from WoW. This is happening slowly, maybe a trickle of unsubs over time, but in the long run we will be faced with the world indeed feeling much smaller because of how empty it will be.
Stop being arrogant on this one, Blizzard. Listen to the feedback. Now is the time to build trust again.
Does anyone think the devs will actually read any of the feedback in this thread, or the other one that has 5k+ replies now? Or that when the CMs deliver the TL;DR player reaction in both of these threads, that the devs will even care or change their minds?
This thread just feels like a thinly veiled “post your grievances here so we can continue ignoring them”.
Personally, I am not threatening to unsub (technically, I should not even still be able to post right now since my game time has run out), I am threatening to not return in November as I had previously planned on doing.
It’s never just the “minor” issue that the white knights show up to defend as unimportant. It’s a systemic, design philosophy issue, and the more people excuse it because the specific symptoms are “unimportant” and tell people to “shut up and play the game”, the worse the problem grows.
This ^^^^^ Says it all. Who can honestly disagree with this??
As I said earlier I don’t expect anything to change before the patch. They might internally evaluate this, and make changes in 8.2 or 8.2.5 but they seem pretty adamant about moving forward with their current anemic stable of portals. So while we could hit 6k posts on this thread, I find it highly dubious they comment again, or if they do, just to reiterate that additional feedback could result in changes at a later date.
That’s basically been the entire forums for as long as I can remember. We’re talking about Blizzard here: the “we know what’s best for you, trust us” devs.
Not so,we have some solutions in this thread if they wish to read it (not holding my breath they would ),some are actually creative .
Not even a try at communication? No compromise no nothing? Surely you can add a item for CoT Port and have a quest completion to reactivate Dal ports.
Actually post Warlords was the time to rebuild trust. They tried it with Legion, but we got excessive rng, excessive time gating, piss poor story telling. I think the main reason many praise it was we finished off the Burning Legion and many people got to play Demon Hunters which they’d wanted for a long time.
What’s sad is that I personally only feel this way about the WoW devs, but the other Blizzard game I play, Overwatch, I don’t feel like the devs there are like that at all. GOATs is definitely annoying to see in every OWL game, but they’ve at least acknowledged that it’s a problem and are working on finding solutions for it like making role queue work. The WoW devs are like “so we’re just gonna remove this thing that no one had a problem with because reasons (ie. boost that time played metric), and any feedback you’ve left or leave about it? doesn’t matter, we’re doing it anyway”. It’s just ridiculous. Other people at Blizzard need to take a trip to the WoW offices and slap some sense into them, WTF is even going on over there?
Um… this is actually the primary reason I even have mages. I use them to port my own characters around.
Yeah, the problem begins and ends with Blizzard. They’re stuck in a design bubble. They can’t see through the haze of it. I’ve been insisting that they gain new leadership that have had experience outside of Blizzard. Right now, they’re all in an echo-chamber of egos. And they probably think we’re all peons that don’t know what we’re talking about. The white knights don’t help the cause, but I doubt many designers that are in a decision-making position read these forums anyway.