Sure – I just don’t agree with the idea of it making the world feel small. It feels like it has the opposite effect, honestly.
I feel the same way
Yes? I fought back the Legion with the aid of the Kirin Tor. Dalaran’s security in the Broken Isles was cemented through my efforts. I don’t want to use a word like ‘deserve’ or ‘earned’ to describe those portals, but when they’re gone, it just feels like I’ve never been there, like my efforts didn’t happen.
I really don’t get this. How does the portal being relocated undo your efforts, this is so random… I guess this is a personal thing, but you can still go there, and it will be the same as it was before, and it really close to the new portal as well…
This topic brings out the people who are most affected and yes these zones are irrelevant to progressing your max level character. Except for the collection meta
Some portals are being relocated. Several, however, are being outright removed.
For example, the portal to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The only means to reach Pandaria will be the Jade Forest portals in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
If I’m trying to fly to the Isle of Thunder, that increases my overall travel time to get there by 4-5 minutes. That doesn’t make Pandaria feel larger – I know how big it is. And it was my questing that opened the gates to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the first place, was it not?
Dude, it is a really small change that will affect virtually no one in a significant way. And it is not for random reasons, they are specifically stating the reasons, you might not like the reasons, I sure don’t like some of their points as well, but they are not arbitrary. This backlash over something so small is just absurd to me.
Yes Isle of Thunder became pretty far away, I bet they are going to move the portal to half hill or something to make it less of a hassle. Northern Eastern Kingdoms is also insanely far away now.
People have legit explained to you, quite patiently, why they dislike this change and disagree with the OP, the change, and you.
You seem to be intentionally obtuse about this? Like, are we just pretending that the hundreds of other posts in this thread, many involving or replying to you, didn’t exist?
But why do it. While a small portion is affected why make there gameplay more tedoius and yes I enjoy soloing old content during the games dry points I don’t appreciate this in any way and I sympathize with people who are hard core collector’s
a star that is used to guide the course of a ship, especially the Pole Star.
synonyms: guide, guiding star, guiding light, role model, model, luminary, exemplar, ideal, inspiration
If I have an hour to spend on a game, and I want to get to Nalak or Oondasta, this change adds 2-3 minutes per toon. It adds that much, flight paths easily already consume 10 minutes of time to do those 2 activities. It’s my hour and my game time, and if Blizzard want to reduce my play time, then I, like others with reduce the $$ they get.
Enjoy your prices going up as the game gets less and less popular as a result of stupid changes.
Funny thing about that, somebody else earlier in the thread was saying that flight points/etc were better than loading screens (resulting from portals), but that trip involves at least three:
Flying/running out of TBC zone into PL