Rearranging and Removing Portals

What is lodestar?

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It’s a fine but out-of-vogue word and I’m trying to temper my disappointment with silliness.

In general, part of WoW’s appeal is that lower end machines can still play it. Hardware almost a decade old is capable of running this game, and that lends itself to having a broader audience.

That said, that particular issue isn’t the one I’d think would be most productive to focus on.

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On the main post there is an explanation of why they removed. You accuse them of not listening while making a question they already answered.

Btw companies don’t change their minds this fast. Wait a bit and you will see a couple of portals being added to fix specific issues. After all they are asking for people to mention specific issues.

Definition of lodestar

archaic : a star that leads or guides especially : NORTH STAR

one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide

Okay. Well cool so there north star is to not overuse portals. If so they they need to give us something else to compensate.

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They can add fast travel on Fly paths where you pay extra gold to instantly get there or have double speed or something.

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This is not a change I can support, and this reasoning seems flimsy to me. If the Cleft of Shadows was too dotted with portals, what would have stopped the implementation of an NPC who would teleport you to various locations, saving space taken up by numerous portals?

They addressed this in the op, it is the number of locations they lead to that are making mages portals irrelevant and “making the world small”.

Having them removed erodes my sense of agency in the game world, and while in many cases some reasonably close options exist, they don’t feel as personal or meaningful as expansion hubs do.

So being ported somewhere near instead erodes your sense of agency in the world… I don’t get it…

This isn’t something that’s worth quitting the game over, at least for me

It amazes me how leaving the game because a couple of portals were removed or relocated is a thing.

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Sadly, I am out of “Likes” at this time. Glad to see an MVP whose head is on straight. Have some thumbs up:


It shouldn’t as people have specifically educated you on the reality that they are unsubbing because this is “the last straw,” or the basic pattern of removal of QoL stuff that’s become commonplace despite the outcry for the past few years.


I like that idea.

Every change should consider the wider benefits and the wider detriments that the change will offer.

If more people use Org, more sharding in Org needs to occur, which adds to Blizzards use of sharding technology. This can be good and this can be bad.

If Blizzard do not permit core2potato devices to play the game, then less people will play the game. This can only be bad, there is no good in this. The same can be said for the removal of portals, there just simply isn’t any good in it.

The addition of a portal hub, and cleaning up existing portals is a good thing. Removing portals that were never used could be part of that cleaning process. But plenty of people use those portals actively. They are all around you, and many don’t use the forums as they are sick of dealing with Forum Trolls like Tarc.


Why does it amaze you it’s something people enjoy. That blizzards arbitrarly making more tedious for “reasons”.


Sure – I just don’t agree with the idea of it making the world feel small. It feels like it has the opposite effect, honestly.

Yes? I fought back the Legion with the aid of the Kirin Tor. Dalaran’s security in the Broken Isles was cemented through my efforts. I don’t want to use a word like ‘deserve’ or ‘earned’ to describe those portals, but when they’re gone, it just feels like I’ve never been there, like my efforts didn’t happen.

This is typically the sort of straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back type of thing. Or at least, it seems that way. Doesn’t really apply to me, though, so I couldn’t say.


Flying over trees won’t make a dead world feel alive

So you have just a couple of hours to play and the content you chose to do is on an specific part of the old content that is slightly farther away from the portal now.

When I have an hour to play WOW, I do not want to spend ten minutes using flight points.

It is really hard to take these hyperbolic statements seriously…

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…since when?
Look at this thread… everyone is saying otherwise.

I’m indifferent.

just because i’m not threatening to unsub, doesn’t mean i like the idea of the ports being removed.

how is it “mostly empty”?
there are battlepets which can only be caught in that location.
tanaris itself, has a bunch of rares, which all drop transmog stuff.
there are also chests which have rare blue items.
there is the zone achievement for loremaster
people farm pirates/goblins for rep
…and i still don’t have my

do you believe what you’re saying, when you say there’s “nothing there”?

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I completely agree

You never know lol! JK :smiley:

Blizz: “We heard your feedback, and we agree. Flying over trees won’t make a dead world feel alive. As a result of your feedback, we will be removing both flying and portals. We will also be nerfing mounted speed to +5% and +10%, because reasons. We hope this compromise will be an example of how we value your feedback.”