Rearranging and Removing Portals

We don’t want more portals. We jus want them not to remove the ones available right now. That’s what most people are talking about on this thread.


i’m going for baffled because of all the issues in this game right now, the removal of a few portals is what gets everyone riled up like this. i’d like it if blizzard had the stats of how many of these people complaining have used these portals in the past year and how many times.

As many others have said, the main thing that baffles me is how Blizzard could possibly consider this a valuable expenditure of resources. Yes, let’s spend time and money removing conveniences already in place for a change maybe 5% of the playerbase wants.


That, and where those players or ANY players posted for the removal of the portals.

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Right here.

Because it affects their personal play experience. Not everyone is a raider,M+ Dungeoneer, or PVPer, some people just work on their collections.

I use the portals at least 40 times every month for timewalking. For example, next Tuesday when LK timewalking comes I’ll use the Dal Portal 45 times, 46 if I manage to get my Zandalari to 81 before reset :smiley:

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yeah. I dont want those folks on a jury deciding my fate.
Attention to detail? Whats that? :roll_eyes:

no one here is asking for MORE portals.
We just asked that EXISTING portals that BLIZZARD PUT THERE (like master loot was put there by them) not be REMOVED.
Not even in the same chapter.


Yeah, I meant before this thread. I am sure you GLADLY used the portals before this thread and will continue up until next Tuesday, right?

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I know what you mean.
Im still ??confused?? about all the crying over Master loot being removed.
Not a big deal at all. They should just shut up and play the game.

And I used the MoP portals that are missing MANY times a day for farming mats

Loss : the fact or process of losing something or someone.

It doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, or a good thing for that matter. It’s just what it is.

Blizzard evidently won’t change their stance. Not using those portals right now, until they are removed, doesn’t make any sense in the context of the poster I was replying to.

You are an idiot. We just want them to leave the portals alone.


Im with ya. Master Loot being removed was a good thing for all involved.
Those silly raiders thinking they know whats best for their guilds :wink:

That’s an entirely different matter, one that affects current content. You should stop, you’re not helping.

Being a data analyst/software developer is different than being a bartender/support staff for reasons you will never comprehend.
Not only is everything you post (on whatever alt) tracked/counted, and --analyzed–, everything you type and cancel post is also tracked.
The software design industry is very much different than the one you are used to, obviously.

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Maybe they are scared to disagree with the top floor, after all 800 people JUST got fired.


“You can use your phones as portals. Don’t you guys have phones?”

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I can see that but they weren’t fired.

He won’t change lol. He will just keep responding with complete nonsense. He is in favor of this change for sure. I hope he enjoys vanilla.

No…it isnt. Its EXACTLY the same.
When something YOU use daily is removed you scream about it.
When something OTHERS use daily is removed you insult and demean.

its ALL related.