Demon hunter somehow feels worse than it did last patch, how? We let you cook for over a year and this is what you come up with? I’m not talking about tuning wise, but from a gameplay standpoint DH is the worst feeling class in the whole game, by a lot.
Opener is still insanely long, still have a bunch of burst windows that require movement, still have to use our whole kit before we can even press our cooldowns, it’s like you didn’t listen even a tiny bit to what the community wanted, instead of you give us this abomination of a hero tree, shuffle around some talents and make it feel like the worst version of DH that has existed, ever. Why is this dude even working on classes anymore? He obviously is trash at his job, fire him and hire someone that actually cares. I’ve never been more upset that I renewed my subscription than I have been this expansion, I just came back from break and see that this is what they came up with? It’s actually pathetic how bad the class feels just compared to last patch, and that’s saying a lot, considering havoc was basically unplayable in end game content.
This is the worst class design in any game I’ve ever played. It’s 100% garbage and needs a total reversion. Everything after BFA was a mistake. The only good thing he’s done is make Inertia proc on VR/FB. That’s it. Everything else is miserable. We need more passives, fewer actives, a simplified rotation, a complete end to movement for damage, a buff to our leech, uncapped AoE… I could go on.
It was, I don’t want that back. What I think most players do want, is for the class to not feel clunky with a bunch of micro buffs we have to play around. I want the class to progress to the next expansions, right now, we are multiple expansions behind any other class in terms of design. The whole design of our hero tree, and even our normal talent tree(even after the shuffle and changes) just don’t make a whole lot of sense, and it feels like we’re constantly waiting for a rework that they just don’t care enough to do.
They can tune our damage to be #1 and it would still feel like complete dogwater to play. But, since that’s not the case, there are classes that do much more damage than us, with not even half the effort and don’t have to worry about whether they can use one of their main abilities if there’s bad on the ground. The BFA design was much better in that way, but it was just a 2 button rotation with some CDs peppered in, which I don’t think would be fun to ever bring back. But, this design that we have currently, literally any other iteration of DH felt better.
But anyways, DH alone is still prob one of the more fun specs just to pickup and play. minmaxxing it is a different beast, but atleast 1 DH is guarenteed a raid spot every tier
The low mover and no mover builds are viable. I’ve been testing them out and it emphasizes throw glaive and ragefire.
I’m digging aldrachi reaver. There’s a couple of thoughts to use to maximize, but eyebeam due to thrill of the fight is actually hitting hard.
I still hate essence break, but it works well enough in the low/no mover builds with AR.
Btw, on five target cleave, the low/no mover build sims as high as inertia. Maybe it’s off by a single % point. I’m going to say that I might go back to havoc for this season with the changes and aldrachi reaver.
Oh, I agree completely. From the somewhat minimal play I do per patch, Havoc feels notably better this patch than it did last patch. I’m actually considering running DH over my other stuff this season because of that.
It feels like as long as you’re making sure to pair it inside of Eye Beam meta and mostly holding a Reaver glaive for it, the overhead is notably reduced for Havoc on No Mover builds.
Even the Inertia and Exergy builds still felt fine compared to 11.0.
I’m wondering how you can you specifically like Thrill of the Fight + Eye Beam, something that takes at minimum 3 GCDs to trigger, but you instead hate Essence Break, that takes 1 GCD and virtually does the same. (just different numbers)
PSA: Most of you are going to hate Aldrachi Reaver the moment you step into M+/raids. Even if FS was bad gameplay wise, AR is 10 times worse, and having funnel isn’t going to fix the gameplay.
It’s not Realz it’s DH discord/Jedith and his DH cronies and his YT round table. It’s a bunch of mythic raiding sweats making the class what did you expect? Didn’t listen to the community lol of course they didn’t.
It wasn’t jedith and the shadow cabal. As the name suggests they ruined shadow priest, not demon hunter. The group you’re actually after is sameyes the cat and tonypajama1 as they run the secret havoc shadow council cabal deep within the inner workings of the fel hammer secret channels
Actually it’s the greasy fel hammer apes in the felhammer disc (probably 1 of them wrote this article) who where lying that they had
spreading false info and promoting bugs confirmation that lunch boxing wasn’t bug abuse, noone else was relying on that #S%^ as a power for their VDH, I mean the term lunchboxing is just a phrase some greasy ape in felhammer came up with it’s not even a thing they just chose to name the bug lol. People should be glad that bug abuse is gone it would kill more keys than it would save require degen playstyle of rush chainpulling packs to keep your brand alive and running risks of your dps destroying your entire ramp, Trust me guys you should be happy they fixed that bug, and to the guy who wrote this clickbait article and the nerds over in felhammer, Stop
Thrill of the fight lasts 20s and increases damage by 15%. Essence break is 4s and it misses. What I like about AR is planning out what to use depending on the situation.
Maybe I’m liking how it works easily with low or nonmover.
Dude really thinks the discord mods have any say in how the class goes is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard. If this were true, aldrachi would’ve been reworked completely, and none of these changes except maybe the talent from S3-4 of DF would be there. People actually believe this? Lmao, okay.
Donkey said it before me, but the damage portion lasts only 10 seconds and seeing how long it takes to trigger, specially in AoE, the effective duration of EssB and Thrill is about the same.
In AoE you have to do:
RG -> CS -> BDance -> fill with at least 2 GCDs -> VR -> Felblade -> Eye Beam
That’s 5 GCDs to set up a DPS window. Considering every GCD is above 1 second, your Thrill duration going into the Eye beam window will be less than 7 seconds.
So yeah, Aldrachi lovers are in for a rough awakening. Most people don’t understand how bad this tree really is and are getting gaslit by content creators instead.
Well even in 10s, you can eyebeam, essence break, cs, BD, all within the 10s window. You also have 2 on demand attacks that trigger a RG. So you don’t hold RG, you just let it fly. Then it comes down to timing BD to fit your DPS window.