Realms Expectations for Season of Discovery

ret pallies rise up

Id much rather try this way to be honest.

the ways that they have been trying have not worked out.


Sorry Rusken, not only is your faction locked, but I got your name too.

OCE has already been confirmed.

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1x rp-pvp for good measure


Huge win for everyone! I’d take not being able to play with my friends or in my desired faction over an unbalanced disgusting boring mono faction PVP server at any time ever.


Please consider a RP-PVP Realm alongside the PVE and PVP choice


Is it possible these realms will be launched ahead of November 30th for character creation?


It’d end up with two 99% single faction servers.


A blue announced in a thread asking for OCE servers that there will deffo be OCE servers.

I’m guessing you’ll get one PvE and one PvP.


That, plus the warrior nerf, will make SoD unplayable for you.

My condolences.

OCE is getting a PvP-RP server for SoD?

This will be a detriment more than a solution. If they are limiting servers and also now limiting factions people would rather not play at all then play on another server without their friends and or the faction they enjoy.

I would have rather they looked into faction queues rather than limiting an entire faction. Once a faction hits 60% logged in you give everyone on that faction a queue to prevent people from continuing to impact the balance.

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You won’t notice it. you’re already playing on a server that supports up to 10-15k pop depending on the server rack. absolute crybaby

hello sir,

rp-pvp server, when?


Please, design realm sizes to work with a single layer, and do not allow layering ever. Making layering permanent in TBC directly led to the consolidation of the playerbase onto megarealms. Realm capacities should be higher than the original 2.5-3k cap, but the community feel of vanilla is a major component of what sets it apart from future versions of WoW.

Didn’t happen in SoM. Didn’t happen on Skyfury/Angerforge.

We have had 2 sets of fresh servers in the past 2 years and it has happened neither time. It only happened on established servers in TBC/WotLK.


Yeah, I’m probably just remembering Classic.

This is an even worse suggestion than what blizzard said. You get home from work, log on to raid “sorry too many of your faction online now”.

The only suggestion for faction balance that I ever thought respected players was a waiting period to create new toons on the larger faction.

Like, you go to roll Alliance which is the larger faction and the character creation screen says “sure, you can create a paladin, but you’re going to have to wait here on the character creation screen for 15 minutes. Orrrr… you can roll a shaman on Horde and play it immediately!”

Of course, it wouldn’t require you to wait if you already have toons on the larger faction. Or, maybe it would, who knows?

We’re being intentionally vague here, which I understand is frustrating, but as much as I want to dive into details (I’m an Engineering Producer, this hurts!), we really don’t want everyone to try and meta-game this. By “balance” we mean in a perfect world we’re shooting for 50/50 faction split, but no matter which way we choose to try and enforce faction balance, there’s room for those values to change based on player behaviour. Overall we want you to feel confident that if you roll PvP this Season, you will be on some of the most balanced PvP realms in Classic’s history.