Perfect sounds great
Wait your serious…
I get what you’re saying. Honestly it is a very logical solution to control player population on a server and over time you just lower the layers as people stop playing for whatever reason. However, that isn’t vanilla. Back in 2019 I played on horde on Faerlina. The server had so many people and layers that it was like playing modern wow. The literal point of classic is community. That’s it. I left Faerlina and went to a RP pvp server that had about 2k-3k players and 1 layer and it was the best experience I ever had in wow. Even more enjoyable than vanilla wow was. Everyone knew everyone. Reputation mattered. Back in the day a high pop server was 1/10th of what one is now and we did all content just fine. Please stop looking at this as an analytical way to deal with a problem and look at a more practical way. More servers with a cap on population of like 5-6k and if servers get imbalanced then combine some of them like you do with era. Please. I put in 300 days /played in classic wow 2019. I saw all the good and bad of what can happen. I’m warning you now. Lower pop servers are just more fun. Period.
So i’m guessing this means servers will be limited even more so then in SoM? One PVP and one PVE server for east and west coast
Not particularly a fan of layers when it comes to PVP servers. Especially if they are trying to implement some new event in ashenvale. It will just end up being min/max of people changing layers to the winning faction for quick wins.
huge W blizzard.
Faction Balance should not just be PVP realm specific. All servers should have faction balance. If you do not have it that way, then you are destroying the PVP experience for those on the server who do want full game content. People on PVE realms should be able to enjoy PVP when they desire, and be able to “turn off the switch” to have a break from it if they like. When you do not maintain faction balance, it shows that you are only interested in offering a quality experience for part of your playerbase. If you have the ability to do something that is helpful then just do it. Don’t do it halfway. Don’t be half-good…JUST BE GOOD
Amazing step in the right direction, this is something people have asked for TWENTY years.
What is the plan once a server presents imbalance not from character creation, but from character transfers and/or simply falling off?
Locking a faction won’t really change much in that situation, in that situation you’re kinda just hoping new people come to that specific server and roll on that available faction, what’s stopping people from just ignoring the locked and lower pop server to roll on the more attractive other server that has everything unlocked, thus creating an imbalance anyways?
Awesome! We’ve been asking for faction balance for 15 years now. But better late than never. I love it!!!
Hopefully it’s an active lockout, meaning if at any current given point there’s more than 55% online on a faction you can’t log in onto that faction til the number drops from 55%.
That would fix all problems and it would be beautiful
Please give us a RP-PvP server.
If you can do it for Oceanic, do it for us
Very cool
Ooh maybe there will be a HC SoD realm??
2 PvP, 2 PvE seems good I think. Pick names yet?
I freaking love it. This might actually make me play on PVP for once simply because I won’t have to worry about it turning into a 90/10 poopshow.
What is the plan for OCE realms?
Biggest W for Classic ever, as Wbuffs and World stuff. U guys are the chosen for this job and project. THANK YOU!
Hopefully there is a balancing for the Layers as well.
We dont need any one layer all horde, one layer all alliance.
If you go for a PVE realm, will the PVP still be available in Ashenvale?
This is one of those things that people complain about because it creates a broken game, but fixing it just breaks the game in a different way.
“oops, sorry, you can’t play with your friends because there are too many horde here.”
That’s not exactly a recipe for success. Also, if a side’s population collapses, the realm just stays locked for the other side perpetually.
It’s also not great if one side is just flatly more popular to limit it to only some lucky players on that realm that happened to be able to log in first.
“Oops, you couldn’t play on launch night, guess you can’t play your preferred faction with your friends, because it’s locked now.”
It’s just going to ruin the game for many before it even starts.
You are better off just making the zones cross realm/layered, have the game dynamically match the populations if possible in the zone, and prevent layer hopping unless you join a group with a friend in the same zone or are in a capitol city when joining a different layer group.
The method you described just locks people out from playing what they want to.
This is great news!
Theyve been doing it the other way for a long time. I figure give this way a chance.
There are ways to actively manage populations through layers that don’t prevent people from playing with the people they want to though.
Just limit layer hopping exploits.
Locking the server out just griefs players in a different way.
I was definitely hoping for a more creative and less intrusive method.
I’d rather lopsided servers to that. At least that doesn’t stop me from playing with the people I want to on the faction we wanted, which to me has always been more important than having balanced factions.