Realms blacked out

Perenolde and Cairne characters are blacked out and I can’t see anything on the screen, yet I can log into other servers like Bonecrusher and Grizzly Hills without issue. Anyone else getting this in the past couple of days?

Yes I am having the same problem here. Thank goodness someone else is having issue, I am doing a scan and repair rn. But did not want to refresh my addons, would have been a pain. Of course server status lists aren’t kept up to date, so you can’t get reliable info. I have been having issue last few days, glitching when mounting. Hearthstones not teleporting me, and portals not working with delayed load screen. Dumb dumb DUMB.

I’m having the same issue accessing my characters on Perenolde. When I switch to this realm, no characters are showing in the preview pane and the list of toons from my previous realm I switched from are displayed in the text list to the right. I’m unable to enter the game on this realm at all, which really upsets me because this was the realm I was still farming the Hearthstone event on. Very unacceptable. There’s no mention of this as a known bug, as far as I know.

I’m also experiencing an unrelated issue/bug viewing skin textures or my Worgen DK. He’s just a blank, solid black/white untextured model with glowing blue eyes but with textured armor displayed on top of that. Very jarring to look at.