Realm transfers

If they allow the aliance realm transfers off your server, it would make the problem worse.
Better solutions would be to let the horde switch to alliance faction on horde dominated servers, let horde transfer to alliance dominated servers, make a faction queue where the dominating faction must wait in a “Horde only” queue inside of a layer without world bosses until the layer with the alliance has the same amount of horde, then they can go to the balanced layer. And lastly, let the alliance transfer off of their dominated server, heartseeker and maybe arcanite reeper.

I play Horde on Fairbanks. Stop pretending that the Alliance don’t literally do the EXACT. SAME. THING.

I can’t farm xp or mats on my 59 pve holy priest without getting face rolled by single, but mostly groups of 60–usually raid geared–Alliance. Game is unplayable for me and my lvls 40 and below alts.

So what was my solution? See the icon character? See the realm type? I’m happily playing while I wait for this wPVP madness to settle down, if it ever does. This weekend I’ll be playing with my friends, like we have since classic’s launch. I may ding 60, may not, but we’ll still have fun doing our thing in the dungeons like we always have. Getting there may be tricky/aggravating but we’ll still get there, shrug it off, and get back to having fun.

You say you didn’t sign up for this. Actually, yes you did. No one made you go PvP server. Yes you may have been pressured by friends, but the choice was yours. You rolled PvP server, whatever your reasons were. You should have suspected this was how it would turnout once honor was said to release without battlegrounds (or once honor released at all). You should have prepared for this. I did. My IRL friends and I even have a contingency plan for our other friend who fell behind in leveling once life got in the way. (btw, if your friends–which may have pressured you to roll pvp server–have abandoned you to this madness, you have crappy friends and I emphasize)

If you wanted wPvP to happen only on your terms, you should have rolled PvE server. Sorry you chose wrong and you feel rerolling is too much for you.

May the strongest survive.


PvPers pre-P2: I love world PvP! I love the danger of being ganked anywhere in the open world, while doing the PvE content! Anyone who isn’t on a PvP server is a carebear that isn’t playing the ‘real’ game.


Normal players: “You think you do, but you don’t.”


Obviously it’s what people signed up for. I don’t know how people can ignore the notification they get when they make a character that says: this is a PVP server and you are outnumbered 5 to 1 are you sure you want to play here?
Oh wait, they actually don’t tell you the ratio, that’s right. So I guess we are wrong and people didn’t know what they were signing up for. Weird.



Anyone who did a cursory look at the forums or a simple google search could easily find out that the populations were going to be unbalanced before they even launched, much less how they are now. And, even if they didn’t do a lick of research, when they found out the server was unbalanced, they had plenty of time to leave before now. Quit your b!tching. Players caused this, not Blizzard. Let players deal with it.

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So you realize that players who enjoy ACTUAL pvp only have the options of:
Be severely out numbered
Severely out number
This is NOT a player made problem. It is on blizzard to monitor this and direct people. They can’t force faction balance but they can incentivize and so far they have done none of that until recently when it is too late. They botched the servers at launch and have continued to prove incompetence and blaming anyone but the company is beyond delusional.


You do realise that people make mistakes sometimes? Stop being this self-righteous jerk, you gain nothing by having this attitude.

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No, it is not on Blizzard. This isn’t a MOBA. This isn’t LoL or Overwatch. This is a sandbox. Blizzard gave you the sandbox, and it is up to players what they do in it. A more ‘Blizzard-directed’ approach would be BFA.

People make mistakes, yes. And then they have to pay for them. In this case, either embrace the suck, or reroll.

You do realise that this isn’t IRL but a game made by a money-making company? If the subs bleed they will open transfers.

This isn’t about teaching life lessons.

And by the way, as PvPers we have nothing to gain in being jerks like that. Our servers population will only decrease either by rerolls, unsubs or transfers. But you are probably too busy thinking about your rank 2.


Who said I’m a PvPer? I’m at a solid 0 honor kills. Of course, I also play on Mankrik, because I saw this sh!t coming, and wanted no part of it.

Face it, the systems might be the same from 2004, but the players are not.

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So trying to help faction balance is the same as BFA? Again, this is beyond delusional. A “sandbox” does not mean there’s no rules or guidelines or that blizzard can leave everything up to the players or we would have no game. The factions being incredibly unbalanced might be fun for a handful of people but for the vast majority of us we don’t want to 5v1 or 1v5. The reason it’s this way is there is literally 0 structure so players are also left with being on either side or being on a dead server. We have servers to fill but blizzard is doing the minimum to redirect and fill properly.

Yes, like I said. You want a more structured, fair PvP experience, you’re looking for a MOBA. World PvP in WoW has always been unstructured, and unfair. It has been since the beginning.

Look, I understand. You want some nice, fair, 5v5 PvP matchups, where everything is based on player skill, instead of luck and numbers. What I’m telling you is that you want Overwatch or League of Legends, not WoW.

Sounds like PvP happened on a PvP server. Perhaps re roll PvE?


First: In the defense the people who rolled PVP, it’s worse than they imagined I’m sure. I rolled on a PVE server because I’ve seen honor without BGs thing before, and I stopped playing because of it. To this day, I have not logged into that account again. I remember not being able to kill a single mob for hours on end.

Second: PVP servers are going to be unbalanced because people don’t like being ganked all the time. That’s the reason we don’t have PVP servers any more.

Finally: I hope they allow realm transfers for these people, because I want Classic to succeed. I don’t ever want to do that endless resource grind that is retail. I like to play alts.

Anyways. That’s my 2 cents. Wish they had simply opened BGs with honor. I know it’s different, but so is the population.


I also understand you will never have a fair perfect game. Even if faction balance was absolutely perfect there would still be 5v1s happening. What makes this unfair to the point of messing up the entire pvp experience is the severity. Servers should be at a 40/60 at most. At least that would be somewhat playable pvp wise. Blizzard should be striving to give played the best classic experience and they are treating the game like a pocket filling side project with minimal effort and band aid fixes at best.

Blizzard is trying to give players the same sandbox they had back in the day. What the players do with the sandbox is on the players, not Blizzard. Once you have Blizzard telling people how to play, you move to how the game is in Retail today.

No one is stopping anyone from rerolling. True addons are breaking much of the experience. Though to say the least anyone who played Vanilla or watched a few youtube vids should have expected this. It’s not shocking or surprising and those who knew and didnt want it started on pve.

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No you don’t have retail. And they don’t have to tell anyone how to play. The keyword with this is “incentivize”. Forcing players on servers would be great for faction balance but terrible for players as most would quit.
Give players options. Give alliance free transfers in-between servers (with a cooldown) that have low alliance and give horde free transfers to servers with low horde (with a cooldown) and offer paid transfers.

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No one should have to reroll and waste their character because blizzard can’t control their game. This is a stupid option and anyone who says “just reroll” is stupid. I know that’s not the best debate but not sure how else to put it.
The idea of an RPG is to progress and have a character you want and put time into. People get attached as you should in an RPG. Just rerolling goes against the spirit of the game and genre.

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