Realm Transfers and the AQ Event

No one is entitled to a bug mount, even if they really really want one. If you can’t do what it is required to race and earn one like the others on the server…then expectations were not set accordingly.


I’m sorry that life for you will end before it should. I’m being genuine when I say this - cancer is horrific and I wouldn’t wish it upon those I despise with all my being.

you have plenty of time to prepare with your guildies. Gather them around, talk about plans about it, and see if you can make it work.
If you cannot, then I’m sorry. But that’s simply how things are.

WoW was never designed as a multi-realm MMO. Changing realm as a strategy is simply not part of the game.

As stated in the blue post, Blizzard allows (occasional, rare) realm transfers so that people can play with friends…NOT as a game strategy.

Do players sometimes take advantage of game rules in ways that weren’t designed? Sure. Will Blizzard help that? Nope.

This is not a rule change. This is Blizzard helping players, so you won’t be angry later when your “strategy” doesn’t work.


get rekt :rofl:


I’m not complaining about not able to win a race. You’re not entitled to it. You have to race for it.

God forbid you dont get your cosmetic bug mount and get aq20 and aq40 quicker for the entire server. Lets delay content for thousands of ppl so you can get your mount/


Then you lost the race to those who can do it.

Then I guess you won’t be getting it will you?

Public forum, you have no place to tell anyone not to speak here.

Sorry you won’t get your mount though =). If your guild really, REALLY needs that bug mount / title, then they’ll adjust, if not, then they must not want it bad enough.

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Sure, if that’s the story you want to make up for sympathy, go ahead.

But if you really want sympathy- maybe don’t be a complete dbag.


At this point any sympathy I might have had for this persons gone, and as far as I’m concerned they’re a spoiled brat trying to use cancer for sympathy.


Based and silithid pilled.

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Reading the posts they are making, I’m in the same boat. They get no sympathy from me.

its people like you that made reckful pass away. Bullying someone like that

Welcome to the internet. People suck.

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You mean this bullying?


Have you ever been mad before? Id be crying

Isnt that what youre doing now?


By being told to shut up? I mean realcanadian’s rude but I don’t think I’d cry because he told me to shut up.

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I’ve been mad before. Like, legit vitriolic rage and whatnot.
Still doesn’t entitle me or anyone else to anything. Sometimes you just need to accept - as painful as it might be - that not everything is going to be in your grasp.