Arthas Realm Population is so Low its hard to find people to join guilds alot of the people on this realm are the same people each time I invite people its the same person. " My Idea for Realms " / Read it and let me know if it could work or any suggestions. we should let blizzard know about this as well. - First * TO Merge Realms is good but if I’m in 1 guild I can’t invite others this is bad if the guild thing is a the main issue here. we already have Ally and Horde Merge cool. * My fix for the population issue on realms. Post The Old realms up as< The auto selection for new players to join thoses realms this will in end bring up population. on the realms lacking player base. " I also have some other ideas for the game as for PVP / PVE Balancing. IF you got any questions let me know contact me however you want.
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