Realm List is UP

WTB an official answer to the “Will the realm list just light up if you’re already on” question.
Just trying to put myself in the best possible position to get the name I’m looking for.


Solo = alchemy
self-sufficient and +time = blacksmith
fun and $$ = engineering

Sometimes it didnt on some of the stress tests, you had to fully relog. So… theres no way to know. Use your best judgement.

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Typically the list will update as you’re looking at it. I don’t think anyone can guarantee that with 100% certainty though.

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Pretty sure I just had a small…welll…you know.

Memes move so fast they could almost be a field of study all on their own.

Not a super useful field of study, but still =P


That’s how it’s always worked. Every patch ever; whenever realms are “offline” they light up green, no need to log out/back in or anything, just sit on the realm selection screen and you’re good to go.

hate to imagine what the lag the RP servers be like

This was good advice. It lit up just like you said! Thank you!

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