Just wanting to know why blizzard lied to us about this or just forget.I play a low-pop realm Llane and Arygos that is connect to a another back in MoP. And what i am going to to do just copy and paste what they said. They said this back in July 2nd. At the moment just Shadow lands coming out in 5 days the realms i play on really will suck. You can’t get find a good guild to join to raid with, If you do join or have someone join your guild they stay for a few days and leave cuz everyone know you and your guild is. I know for a fact that So MANY other people have made something like this before haven’t go anything. People on twitter have @ you and your devs and you still can’t tell us anything. It’s getting real old
We’ve now completed a comprehensive study of realm populations for every realm in the world. Over the next 2-3 months, we’re going to connect the low-population realms to other existing realms. This process will take place during scheduled maintenance, connecting a few realms each week, until we’ve connected every low-population realm in every region to a substantially larger population of players.
But you can sit there and connection Mid and High Realms together and not give it a second thought and screw over low pop realms . The i have deleted or going to delete my toons on higher pop realms cuz i will not be to join and play them.
I was on Rexxar when it first was available to transfer, from feathermoon. After wrath, the server completely fell apart. I decided to move my warrior over. he’s the only one I really bring around with me wherever I go. Been playing on stormrage for about a decade now. (I was horde on rexxar)
Because they wanted to milk more money out of server transfers and put them on sale to bait us into moving. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23536679/save-30-on-select-game-services
They got scared off by the massive failure in the Khadgar connection, that saw many players old toons being restored, new toons being deleted and many being reverted to decades old versions of themselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTBzljqDEf8
Their own internal tracking of the realms is confusing EU and NA servers (and probably more)… my realm is listed as being connected to Kilrogg and Hellfire. The problem is that Hellfire is an EU server that was connected to Kilrogg over there. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/14296https://www.wowhead.com/news=317014/upcoming-eu-server-realm-connection-kilrogg-hellfire
Yea I have a lot of my vanilla chars there still as well. I was in Veni vidi victus for the longest time, when that fell apart I moved to Obsidian Guard and pvped quite a bit. BC came around I was in Pantheon, then Game Over.
They said all (technically they said “every”). Here’s a quote from the post they made when they decided to renege on the Hyjal-Proudmoore connection:
“One of our goals with this project was to define “lower population” and then connect every realm that fit that definition (within reason and accounting for a few idiosyncrasies) to another realm or cluster of realms. While Hyjal does indeed fall into our list of lower population realms, we don’t think it’s so low that it will be detrimental to leave it unconnected at this time.”
Also wanted to note that Hyjal was the lower pop server in that planned connection and has around 3x the population of my server which did not receive a connection, and others that didn’t get connected have fewer players than us as well. Pretty sure they merged med and high pop servers with one another but not going through the work of checking all the pre-connection pops.
As for “within reason”, just as an example my realm of 2500 active players according to WoWProgress could have been connected to another realm of 3000 as both servers were in the exact same city and same time zone. Made little sense not to connect the two. Maybe there were reasons but there wasn’t much transparency from Bliz so…
Just using my realm as an example, plenty of other realms are struggling more and should have been connected.
“All planned realm connections are completed at this time.” – BlizzardCS on Twitter 12hrs ago.
Reply to my old post to show how wrong and confused they are about their own process in number 3. They did fix their listing in there after responding to my tweet as well, removing Hellfire from the Kilrogg/Winterhoof NA servers. But in their haste to fix it they didn’t think to make sure that they listed EU Kilrogg & Hellfire as, you know… existing.
There was a post maybe a month ago about people complaining about their server being connected, now there’s one that it wasn’t connected. I get it though, being on a dead server isn’t fun. I tried to make one on a server, and there was nothing there, no chat, no AH sales, etc. Good luck. Maybe reroll to an active server, it’s pretty easy to level nowadays? (yeah I know, connection to original toons so it’s not an ideal solution, I dunno.)
People aren’t going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Whether or not they technically lied because they slipped in “within reason” can be debated. But they gave the impression that virtually all servers would get a connection, and most didn’t. Further, they provided no explanation or hope for those who continue to play on dead servers. Not even as little as a free toon transfer.
This 5 realm cluster currently has about 250 people online, Alliance and Horde combined. There’s 107 Alliance online, total.
I know it’s a weekday, I know it’s 6:00 in the morning but the expansion just launched and my dead server will remain dead because Blizzard did not do this properly, once again. I’m going to count the number of people online at prime-time and I can almost guarantee it will be less than 1,000.