Why though?
The population of the 9 realms all combined are still going to be less than Hyjal, and since Blade’s Edge / Thunderhorn is slightly Alliance heavy and Agamaggan / Archimonde / Burning Legion / Jaedenar / Kargath / Norgannon / The Underbog is Horde heavy the connection could be a good thing.
There’s even a thread where several players from those servers claiming that their servers felt dead.
The Blade’s Edge and Thunderhorn realms will join Agamaggan, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, and The Underbog General Discussion
The Blade’s Edge and Thunderhorn realms will join Agamaggan, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, and The Underbog. Almost TEN SERVERS LOL Listen I’m from Archimonde alliance and our server was dead and gone we were like 90% horde and I’m glad to have alot more friends to kick it with but does anyone else think that’s wild to have nine servers!?