Realm Connections -- July 23

That was confusing me, too. So if 2 realms get connected, then the players of both should be able to trade with each other, right?

Because when it’s cross realm, you can’t.

Not when they give you a daily quest to kill three of them.

It seems like it would be a nightmare for sellers. Imagine posting something and within 30 sec you’re no longer the most recent seller. For good/items where there tends to be an abundance of supply, it would encourage sellers to continuously cancel and re-list even more than now. At least that’s my take.

So they would, in my opinion, need to make some changed before having a global (or regional) AH. Either change last-in first-out or limit cancellations, for instance.

I feel you. Our server is mid-pack in terms of population but there are only a handful of guilds doing Mythic and the top one just got 6/12 a couple weeks ago. We won’t be one of the first servers addressed, maybe not at all, but we’re struggling in terms of quality raiders.

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Yes, exactly – Players on realms that are Connected to one another can do anything and everything they can do with players on their own realm (trading, joining guilds, etc).

CRZ merely allows you to see and interact with players from other realms – I believe this tends to lump people together by battlegroup (They’re technically still a thing, right?), though players inviting others to a party can circumvent this.


Game has lost a lot of players since then.

So a few things to mention that I’ve seen in this thread.

  1. The servers being connected are all so low pop that the 4 servers when fully combined will still be quite low pop (30+ servers with populations higher than the newly connected realms. All the servers being connected are of the same type (PvE) and are also part of the same datacenter and same battlegroup on at that datacenter. So if your on a low pop server now, you will still be on a low pop server after.

You could connect every PvE server on the Reckoning battlegroup at the LA datacenter and you still wouldn’t have a population in the top 10 of servers. But, it would make the population hit the 5 digit mark.

  1. Agreed, where the datacenter is has no bearing where it feels like it is located. There are ET, CT, MT & PT servers located at the LA datacenter and the same located at the Chicago datacenter.
    But, as an ET player I have no problems with ping to my LA based server.
  1. Connected servers have nothing to do with how crowded it is in your zone. Bliz sharding takes people from any number of servers and shards them into the same version of a zone so that there aren’t 10 copies of that zone running with one person in each. There might only be 2-3 copies running with 3-5 in each.
  1. For server selection they leave each server separate. They sort of need to because there is a character limit per server. You can reach that limit on each connected realm. What they need to do is just let us make all 50 characters per account on any server we want even if that is all on one server.

I’d guess that they are going to do a connection for that mass of servers. But its probably going to have to be from the same datacenter and from the same battlegroup. Based on the 2 joinings they announced it will probably be one of the following:
Alterac Mountains / Balnazzar / Gorgonnash / The Forgotten Coast / Warsong (1663)
Mannoroth / Blood Furnace / Nazjatar (991)
Skullcrusher / Black Dragonflight / Gul’dan* (1567)
Thunderlord / Destromath / Azshara / Azgalor (2694)
Magtheridon / Altar of Storms / Anetheron / Ysondare (2187)
Arthas (3970)
Bleeding Hollow (8869)

My guess would be Arthas with Mannoroth et all.
Alterac et all with Magtheridon et all.
Skullcrusher et all with Thunderlord et all.
It balances out the closest with what they have shown they are interested in doing. Only issue is that Thunderlord and connected realms are all CT time zone and no others in that group are CT.
Honestly, they should combine all of those PvP servers into 2 big connections of about 10k each and set it all to ET since the majority of servers use that time zone.
Maybe we will get lucky and the connections they just announced are only the first step and they will be connecting more realms to those already listed before SL comes out.
*edited thanks Zaria

One small thing to add - Black Dragonflight and Skullcrusher is also connected with Gul’dan.


So let me use these numbers for an example -

Marked as “Medium”.

Marked as “High”.

Marked as “Full”.

It doesn’t even make sense how and why the Alterac Mountains connected cluster is marked as “Full”.

I would love it if Blizzard can explain us how they determine the server population.

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Those medium, high, full designations are only comparitive to each other.

Full does not mean the realm is actually full to capacity. Aman’thul is “medium” population but it feels dead.

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I don’t know about you, but I’d be more concerned with how healthy my realm pop is than how easy it is to get rares.


They actually did for Classic in a Blizzard post back when Classic was first launching in August of last year. So here is your Blue post answer (it’s not in blue because I don’t know how to quote it like that from outside this thread)

… the system previously calculated the population labels by comparing all realms to the most-populated realm. This could result in a very crowded realm (with a lengthy queue) showing up as “Medium”, since it was being compared to the realm that had the highest population and a potentially massive queue.

This is how server pop was done for all Classic servers before Classic got fixed to what they posted below.

This system now measures each realm against a realm’s absolute capacity. Medium indicates a healthy total population on a realm – well in excess of what we considered Full in a 2006 – with room for more players to log-in. You’ll now see a High label if the realm is close to having a queue, and a Full label if the realm currently has a queue.

I’ve never seen them say the way Retail server status are displayed, only Classic. While I would normally assume that Retail would be displayed in the original method, it really doesn’t make sense. Stormrage (22608) with one of the highest populations would dwarf anything outside the top 15 that all the others should show up as low.
Since there are 234 servers (120 if you only count connected realms once) the relative population on each server is pretty low. My best guess would be that it is based more on an average. The servers like Mannoroth / Blood Furnace / Nazjatar (991), one of the smallest realms, bring down the average so much, if each has approx. 330 that any server or connected set of servers with a pop over 2k makes them full.

Where ever you get these “population” numbers I can tell you they are wrong . Only Blizz has real numbers and they do not disclose as far as I know . Wowprogress is awful and other sub sites are too . Go to wowprogress and just click through pages and pages of 480 IL on down on a server and assure you will be thousands over whatever number they say . Also wow-oof-progress hasn’t updated our realm pop in like 4 years .They said we had like 2300 players (same number for years) .I was clicking through item level players rankings by IL and was at like 8000 from 480 down to 440 … go figure .

What I love is getting a rare all the way down and just as it drops you get bumped to a different shard where either the rare is gone or it has just been pulled.

This pleases me. Greatly. It portends well for the game.

I thank you in kind.

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Of course they are wrong. I never claimed they were right. But, I think they are a whole lot more accurate than you give them credit for. The only thing I will claim is that they are all probably wrong to a similar degree. If you use wow-progress for numbers they state the data was derived at Tier 24 which should be Eternal Palace (because CoS didn’t count as a raid tier). They only counted players that have done a Heroic raid (and killed something), not characters that stop at normal or only do LFR or don’t raid at all. It also only includes “unique” players which means if you have 3 toons on your account that raid, it is only counted once.

If you just go to a server and look for people with a given IL you get alts, you get people that do M+ but not Heroic Raiding etc…

On my server I have almost a dozen alts with 440+ IL but they aren’t unique and only count once in the pop list, but show up individually in the list of characters with IL greater than 440. Most of them have never set foot in a Heroic raid.

But regardless of how inaccurate the number is, those same errors in the population count are similar errors across all the servers. So the numbers provide a relative count so you can compare one server pop to another. And you can be pretty sure that a server with a number in the 1000-2000 range has a significantly lower population than one in the 5000 range.


Ok than so anyone who has a heroic raid kill is how the numbers are derived ? Come on man look at the servers with 30k population . Are you saying 30,000 players have a heroic kill on one server ? and this same server has 500 guilds at 1/12 Heroic or higher … so like a 100 people per guild got heroic kills . I think its more just bad sites that count what they want and have no dollars to do it correctly. My point is this you don’t know,I don’t know and the suppose counters don’t know. Only Blizz knows was my original point

This is actually super disappointing. I thought you would be connecting low pop realms to much higher pop realms, but instead you’re just merging 2 low pop realms together. How long do you think that that could possibly benefit the realms before they’re once again barren wastelands?

Seeing this gives me no hope that my horrible server will ever see meaningful new life, and it’ll be another expansion of very little mythic raiding.


Short answer: YES!

I did some quick math, if you look at the top 20 guilds on Stormrage (26083) which are all 12/12M there are 1624 “unique” members (non alts). There are 472 guilds that are at least 1/12H. 472/20 = 23.6 * 1624 = 38,326.

While not every member of a 1/12H guild will have been there for a heroic kill, there are also people in non heroic guilds on the server that will have joined a pug raid for a kill. They count toward the pop totals even if their guild is not a heroic guild.
I’m only suggesting that 68% of the people in those 472 guilds have a heroic kill.

So do I think there could be 26k players on Stormrage with a heroic kill. Yes…
The fact that you don’t think this is the case is fine. I am not debating that the accuracy of the numbers. Only their relational accuracy compared to other servers, because the same methodology is used for each server, if the number is off then its off by the same % most likely in the same direction on a low pop server as well.


Dude . Again you validate my prior statement " Only Blizz has real numbers and they do not disclose as far as I know ." Again all these sites and all this speculation is a bunch of BS .