Realm Connections -- August 20

Dude, if they do transfer I would highly recommend Hyjal! Perhaps you should suggest that to your GM? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I see players from Kilrogg in open world content all the time so IMO Kilrogg could be a great connected realm for Hyjal.

Yea that’s a good point, I was once an all Alliance player on Hyjal myself. I raided Cutting Edge with The Company. MoP was so unbearable as Alliance on Hyjal, that I got so frustrated and ended up moving all my toons over to the Horde side. It was one of the best choices I ever made for myself in this game, the Horde community on Hyjal was flourishing and there were people everywhere and Trade/General chats actually had commotion and it gave the game a completely different feel.


Thank you for deciding against the Proudmoore-Hyjal connection. I am curious about your systems though if Hyjal is considered low pop. Just seems odd. Regardless, I think currently that is hard to gauge. Lots of people take breaks at the end of expansions. Lots of people weren’t happy with BFA so they quit. Quite a few friends of mine fall into that, so they’ve just been playing Classic but are excited for Shadowlands so will be back to retail. Others have been playing different things.

Thus, I feel like Hyjal is in good shape. Now, if several months from now you decide a connection would help, by all means. But please connect us to a realm that makes sense, of which several folks have given good examples.

For the folks who were looking forward to the connection, I’m sorry. But Proudmoore and Hyjal had no reason to potentially be connected to each other. As I said above though, if later they do decide a connection would help, there are lots of options that wouldn’t give us an insane mega server that a ton of folks are on Hyjal to avoid.


I agree with you. When I created a Horde on Hyjal I was completely shocked at how different it was. I would love for Alliance to be like that.

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I think that would be nice, too. Sadly I think those days are long gone though, at least until Hyjal does receive a realm connection, to a proper realm that can offer Alliance an impactful number of players but not a sheer overwhelming amount like Proudmoore’s population.

As a player, I just want everyone to enjoy the faction that they like playing more on any realm they’re on, and to not have to feel like they’re wasting their time. Like how I found myself unable to enjoy the game until I swapped all my characters to the other faction. No one should have to do anything drastic really, but idk if it’s so easily fixed. Idk why every service has to cost money for this company, free realm transfers or much, much cheaper faction transfers would solve A LOT of frustrations but I guess that affects someone else in some other way like their bank account or something :man_shrugging:

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As another long time Alliance Hyjal player, I’m bummed about not merging with anyone.

While Hyjal has a robust Horde side, the Alliance side has been sparse in comparison, and has been dwindling for years over expansions.

I really hope Blizzard does revisit this at some point. I’d like to believe they consider both faction populations when considering a realm’s overall population.


Yikes. If I could post on my main I would but holy crap this reeks of entitlement. Talk about not being accepting of others as well. Do you realize it wouldnt even affect you because hyjal is 99% horde?

Jesus Christ.


It’s funny. On Sunday, I considered shelling out some cash to move one of my Proudmoore Alliance 120s to Proudmoore Horde, to see what the new Hyjal/Proudmoore Horde scene was going to be like. But I decided to “wait and see” how things would play out.

Boy, am I glad I did not trust Blizzard. Imagine if I took their words at good faith, and shelled out cash, like some of their other unfortunate fans? Man, I am bummed out as it is, but if I had to try and wrangle a refund afterwards, I would have been furious.

I am glad you got your money back. I hope Blizzard feels a tangible consequence for getting people’s hopes up and then pulling the rug from under them.

They acknowledge they view Hyjal as low.

They acknowledge the population indicators they provide us are waaaay off (since they view Hyjal as low but claim it is High on the Realm Selection page).

They acknowledge Hyjal is on a watch list to be merged, but they want to let it die on the vine a while.

It is a bummer to witness.


I mean, although I don’t disagree that it is grossly over exaggerated, there is still a slight chance that 1 of the 10 Hyjal Alliance players would be anti-LGBT and openly bigoted towards others :flushed:


I am curious as well.
So by their (Blizzard’s) standards, any server that are not mega servers such as Stormrage, Area52, Illidan, Sargeras, Thrall, Tichondrius, Zul’jin, Proudmoore, Frostmourne, Dalaran, Mal’Ganis and Bleeding Hollow are considered as low pop, I take it?

Which means, any of the servers that are not listed above are “qualified” for further realm connections and there are many more to come, I guess…?

I was actually hoping for the hyjal proudmoore connection. Sad day!


If I had to take a guess, I think Temerity is also facing some internal conflict as a guild right now, so there is the chance that his view is kind of jaded. Hyjal has been “hemorrhaging” players for a long time, unfortunately; raiders come to a top guild on Hyjal, gather some solid parses, then move on to a better guild. During BFA, a few different hardcore raiding guilds transferred to Hyjal (from dying Alliance realms) for access to a larger raiding population, or whatever their reasons being. There has been a lot of up’s and down’s for the top raiding guilds on Hyjal, the ones achieving realm firsts Cutting Edge kills. That being said, Hyjal has never been a low or medium pop realm. It has had a consistent player base that is easily capable of clearing end-game content, both PVE and PVP related. There is nothing sad to bear witness to. Hyjal is as Hyjal always has been…

edit: For actual consistent Cutting Edge raiding, I would personally never recommend Hyjal. I would recommend Hyjal for solid, consistent raiding. But not for “the best of the best.” For consistent hardcore CE raiding I would have recommended Illidan, Area 52 or Tichondrius 10 years ago and I would have recommended those same realms now.

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If Hyjal which is listed as “HIGH” is considered Low then I can’t imagine how many more realm connections are coming.


But it could have been different. We could have been Hyjal/Proudmoore!

/raises his fist in solidarity… but then drops it dejectedly as reality sets in

Oh well. What could have been, eh?

It looks like they will merge Hyjal with another realm down the line, anyway. Allowing your Playerbase to experience a dead world in order to parse out Servers with smaller populations for the purpose of merging them later seems like a self fulfilling prophecy.

Blizzard wants to see their servers dead before they take action? Well, with choices like this, they will have the dead servers they so desire.

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In the future, please make sure the servers are alliance server to alliance server and horde server to horde server :slight_smile: It helps to have more players to play with.

What I’d like to see for Lightbringer when the time comes is free transfers off Lightbringer horde to a horde-heavy server and merge us with another alliance-heavy server so that we can have more players we can actually group with and raid with. Hyjal alliance should also get free transfers off Hyjal to an alliance-heavy server so that they can actually have more players to do things with. Merging a horde heavy server and an alliance heavy server is a waste of time and effort because there’s no net increase in the number of players we are able to do things with.


Blizzard caves to the crybuillies again, but this actually might be for the best. Word to the wise - I’ve been on Proudmoore. It claims to be tolerant, inclusive, etc. Much like Twitter, don’t publicly deviate from the orthodoxy in any way or you’ll quickly find yourself targeted and harassed in game by legions of people with nothing better to do.

Hyjal - consider this a bullet dodged. Get merged with another Alliance server. It’s better off for everyone.


Heh I do have to agree that it would have been an interesting “project” to watch unfold. The two realms connected would’ve been a pretty huge realm haha. Something about it just seemed… off, though. I dunno.

Population wise, I’m hoping Hyjal will never be dead, and I don’t think it will be. Proudmoore certainly won’t be. As for equal faction balance, I’m not sure that will ever be obtained, though?

Thank you so much for pulling the plug on the Hyjal/Proudmoore merger.

I just would like to remind people that the Hyjal community is not against merges. We just don’t want to get merged to realms that double our population on the other side. It would not be fair for either side.

Hopefully in the future, other realm suggestions are considered. I personally wouldn’t mind Aerie Peak or Lightbringer myself, or even my previously suggested Kel’Thuzad.


I personally wouldn’t mind Kil’jaeden! :slight_smile:

Also something to consider - If you think Hyjal is low, maybe it is time to either release public realm numbers or, at least, update the realm selection screen. I’ve been on Hyjal for 8 months now, and I have never seen it drop below Medium. Hell, as of right now the character selection screen is showing Hyjal as a high-population server. Hyjal is a West Coast server, so it is not exactly prime time just yet.

Something does not match here.