Realm Connections -- August 20

Oh you’ll still be vastly outnumbered by Horde because were synced with Tichondrious. I’s literally going to be a nightmare now for Alliance players.

Just sayin what rio is saying.

75k players is not full apparently.

Good morning only for people who think the Hyjal/Proudmoore merge is a terrible idea.


I see u talking bout rio and pop only. but rio only tracks a certain number of highest keys done per server. and i imagine that it doesnt track people who dont do keys or raid.

last i checked the numbers on wowprog are active users at 120 logged in in the last 30 days. i could be wrong tho, i just woke up and am bout to head off to work.


Wowprog also tracks based on raid kills mostly, and is horribly out of date.

If it were truly full, like Stormrage and A52, there’d be no merging.

Your hollow wishes deserve to be sent to those misbegotten naysayers. They have nothing. Not even logic.

We who ARE in favor of these connections have been waking up with better mornings since Blizzard announced this decision.

Thank you, Blizzard, for doing what is right.

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You’re not even from either of these realms dude. Literally go away.


You seem to lack knowledge in all things you post about. Do you think everyone only has one character? I have played on Proudmoore since Vanilla. I moved my Horde Characters to Tich because Horde Proudmoore was dying more and more every expac. I still have Alliance Characters on Proudmoore.

You are simply wrong. And I am glad the problems I have encountered will be less of an issue for others, after the servers merge.

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This is Cursewords on one of my various Proudmoore Characters. I normally am not a fan of switching Forum Characters to boost a point… but I thought I would simply do this to show you that you are wrong. I do play on Proudmoore.


Seems a bit weird to connect Proudmoore and Hyjal. Both realms have relatively healthy raiding communities.

I don’t think anything of value can be gained by merging both and I urge you folks to please reconsider.


And you seem to lack basic decency by constantly being arrogant with your own opinions. Stop putting people down and people will reply to you with less animosity.

We aren’t against mergers in general, there are many realms with low population players and these need all the help they can get. We just don’t want that effort being wasted on two realms that have very healthy communities and do not need the mergers. There’s a reason people play on these realms and not mega realms like Stormrage or Illidan or Area 52.

No one signed up for a mega realm to be created overnight like that.


Um, I replied to:

You simply make rude, and frankly, incorrect statements and assumptions about people.

Your sanctimonious crocodile tears while you insult others and make totally wrong assumptions falls in line with your opinions against realm connections. Just rude and wrong.


Hopefully the people of Proudmoore are more friendly than you, then :slight_smile:


Well… if you run around accusing people on Proudmoore of not being from there… they might just pat your head and move on.

Perhaps you are simply just prone to quick assumptions of others. There are people who play more than one character and on more than one server.

As someone who has been on Proudmoore since Vanilla, this is something I never dared hoped for, and I am glad to see it. I am a fan of the idea of server consolidation.


Agree makes no sense and sucks for proudmoore, KJ woulda made more sense than proudmoore, KJ and hyjal both west coast and both horde dominate .
Proudmoore is lgbt friendly server and they deserve to be left alone, blizz doing blizz things to piss off the community , nothing new.
and ya they should offer free transfers since they forcing a none lgbt server to merge with a lgbt one.
And hey tewa :wink: come to mal’ganis :slight_smile: huggles

Is blizzard engaging with their customers so hard for them to do?

What does that have to do with anything? Players don’t have access to the data Blizzard is using to make the connections. Announcing the connections too early in advance would just cause people to argue for no reason.

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Kaivax: I’m confused what exactly is realm connections?

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I hope you guys don’t forget Thunderlord is already connected with Azgalor/Destromath/Azshara…

Even the maintenance message in game fails to mention thunderlord…

Uh… lol

This gonna be fun