Reconsider where youre connecting Korgath… Looking at WoWprogress its going to a server group that is heavy alliance. The horde side of Korgath has been in desperate need of more players ever since Cataclysm. This transfer is actually going to just further the faction imbalance.
The three top Horde guilds(which were practically the only horde guilds that raided) on Korgath over the last couple years have all transfered off the server. Ataraxia and Annihilation both left very recently, so seeing them on WoWprogress list under Korgath is actually innacurrate for how many horde raiding guilds there are.
Youre just connecting an Alliance lopsided clump of servers to an already alliance lopsided server in Korgath…
This has completely killed my excitement of thinking my characters I have on the horde were actually going to be playable again… not too surprised Im let down once again, can never catch a break. Korgath should’ve had a server connection years ago when you guys were doing it.
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Hyjal and Proudmoore being connected is probably one of the worst ideas I have seen. There is literally no logical explanation to it. Neither of the realms are low pop, though their economy can be wobbly at times a connection of this magnitude will completely devastate it. Not to mention the wpvp aspect of this, just looking at the numbers alone feels like a punishment for any hyjal or proudmoore player. At this point possible ques when logging into the game (on hyjal) is not something a player looks forward to when they want to log on and play with their friends chill after a long day and just have fun doing what ever they choose to in this game. Any which way you look at this…its bad. There is no positive here, in my opinion.
I dont mind getting some ally on Hyjal For WM. What we need to focus on is the sharding imbalance allowed on shards, just because horde may have 15 players in a zone, gives no reason to allow 5 ally raids to join in… Fix this. I have noticed this expac that i see alot of Proudmoore and Tich players on the Hyjal WM shard. The only thing that will truly change is Hyjal will get shafted with queue times…
This realm connection makes 0 sense from every possible angle. It doesn’t make sense from a realm population point of view, and it will throw the balance of WPVP way off.
Blizzard, what were you thinking on this one?
I believe they were thinking, how can we screw Horde more?
Please reconsider the Hyjal - Proudmoore connection. I just tried making a toon on Proudmoore to see what it is like and was met with this message before I even got to the character creation screen:
"You have selected a full server which can result in a wait to play. You should consider selecting a server with a low population.
Do you really want to select this server?"
Having this option BEFORE I create a character is great but NOT having it AFTER I’ve spent thousands of hours on a server, built strong and lasting friendships, and leveled a dozen alts is just wrong. I’m not well versed in how connected realms work so an explanation from Blizzards side as to how this can be a good thing would be a welcome start to this discussion. I’ve read many of the comments in this thread and I’ve only found the negative comments to be somewhat informative of how this connection will play out. The few good comments seem to express only that it is good without any further explanation of why it would be good or downplay the negative comments concerns.
I am not against Hyjal getting a connection but it should be with a server that would not create a mega realm. If this is not a possibility then free transfers should be offered before logging into a toon on a recently connected realm. I did not select a full server to begin with and I should not be forced onto one. ESPECIALLY if the option is given to new players to avoid full servers.
100% would support this merger if they offered free server transfers, you have a great point.
I finally found a realm I’m comfortable on, who has the perfect community activity, no queues or problems of the sort. If that’s going to be sullied against my will, I’d like the option to take my characters elsewhere free of charge.
I second this!! I just spent 50 bucks to get away from log on ques and a more peaceful playing experience . Now you are lumping us on an already full server with a High pop server. Not to mention PM doesn’t want us there. As my realm mate stated at least give us free transfers.
Of course I log on with the wrong toon…
You have yet to deal with or even acknowledge the plethora of issues that resulted from connecting Perenolde/Cairne with Cenarius - and you’re going to screw with us again? You know - I’ve often read forum posts and wondered, “Gee, why so much anger?” But I’m starting to get it now.
It’s bad enough that you’ve forced us to change realm time. If my raid lockout is screwed up again I’m going to be quite irritated. We are not a raiding guild, but a bunch of us do enjoy raiding, and we have worked HARD to get where we are. I don’t want to see our progress blown away YET AGAIN this week because you guys can’t figure out a way to do this and put everything back the way it was when you messed with it.
And how long will it be before the guild finder is working for guilds other than the Cenarius guilds?
Minor point of note: Y’all were getting sharded with Terenas-Hydraxis and Kilrogg all the time. I’ll miss y’all assuming we don’t get merged in too.
The proudmoore-hyjal connection is going to create a rather huge server that will probably have a very long queue early on in Shadowlands. I’m not sure what the goal is with this connection, but I can’t imagine it’s going to create an enjoyable play experience until the crowds die down quite a bit. Those starter areas are going to be incredibly packed.
Question that hopefully someone can answer. This character is on Hyjal, and I have an alliance character on Proudmoore. After Thursday will I see both on the same screen after login or will I still “switch realms” to access each one?
we wont get queues though we would still be our own server or am i wrong here?
still need to switch realms
Dang, that convenience would have been the one positive coming of this. lol Thanks though!
Good points! Really holding out for Blizz to keep the servers stable too but I guess we will just have to see!
At least you guys are getting merged with a server that is also Alliance majority. The horde involved in this merge are getting screwed over big time. There is literally no hope for them having a healthy population if this is the only merge these servers are getting.
I know a real lot of people on Earthen Ring are hoping for a server merge. Still holding out hope that we get connected in one of the next rounds.
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