Hello fellow EDer.s I actually just xfered back here because it felt like home to me. I’ve been on this realm for numerous years. (6+) I moved away due to the toxicity of the realm. I recently moved back due to actually missing old friends and those whom i knew. I’m finding out that most actually “left” in large groups. Many active wpvp guilds are gone or depleted. I joined the Horde RP community along with the discord in hopes to find/ get into some RP. I’m finding out that most RP is within small guilds that hold events throughout azeroth amongst just a few select guilds/ close friends. There isn’t any walk up RP like there is on WRA or Moonguard. Now i wasn’t expecting it to be like extravagant or anything. However its depressing to know that ED is becoming the “realm” that everyone tells people to stay away from. Along with ED’ers being the people that other gamers warn other gamers about on other realms when ED’ers xfer off to other realms for a fresh start. (i was reading WRA and other forums. i wasn’t too impressed with the lashing out i found about ED and the gamers left on ED.) im finding out that most ED’ers actually left the realm for better greener pastures. So im asking what guilds are left and whos all left?
(im from that era with D7 being top wpvp guild. Resolve, prototype, wsb (i was on the realm still when himus left for college, then the left over members remade the guild into another guild.) Warbringer, i know that hebro had a baby so he left the game or took a break. Ruin gaming was trying to do some dirt on the realm. . Pretty much i left RIGHT around the time United Horde was made.
Andrew who claimed to be #1 all the time
Firemagic or whatever that dudes name was, that invited everyone to group to troll them. sorry kinda forgot how he spelled his name.
and a few others. i dont Know what happened to everyone for the most part other than what is being said on the forums. Just curious as to what is all true, whos all left and how ED really is?
Siyue the Hunter
PS. Please excuse the character info. it doesnt show that i xfered back here recently.
I’m new to ED, roughly 1 year but actually been active the last 5 months or so… But i gotta tell you, although the RP community is not as huge as in MG or WrA, we’re very close to each other, atleast that’s how i feel about it.
There’s little walk up RP, that’s true, but if you manage to get in a good RP guild (there are plenty), or if you create your own, you can expect to get a lot of support and collaboration. Also, there is a good amount of public RP events throughout the week.
It really does feel like a family, and i’ve only been here for little more than 5 months.
I’ve actually been on ED for over 6 years. recently moved back here with my friends. I’m GM of House Forsaken. We plan to make a walk up RP hub in Org to help the RP community out. We welcome and invite new/old, casual/hard core or just the curious to partake and enjoy this part of the game with us. i was merely curious by making this post as to who and what guilds were still around.also welcome to ED. i hope you remain here. ive always liked that guild btw and heard good things about them. hope to see you around
Typically the walk up spot was the Wyvern’s Tail in the Valley of Honor.
In that lull time between Legion and BFA it was actually quite active but recently I haven’t seen too much activity there. That’s as much my fault as any I haven’t been good about loitering there.
Personally if we’re thinking new spots I always kinda liked Spirits Be With You at Dazar’Alor’s docks.
Sadly it is the sharding that hurts walk-up RP. You have to raid and get invited to the raid 90% of the time to see the folks that are engaged in some type of walk-up or even just a shout out “RP at the Wyvern’s Tail, come on out”.
That said, if you have something steady going on that is open to the public, please let me know so I can add it to the events calendar I keep updated here on the forum… every time someone says “nothing is going on” I point them right to it. (And get it up on the community calendar in game and get in the Horde community - we all need to start using that feature more)
People who were big when you were around are still here butttt
Still here but play under different toons or same toons: heltor, jalen, sorrowfiend, dipso, firemagic, Andrew, aglaica, dirty, cadigan, vesker. Obviously more just those came to mind first.
People who left the server but still play: ravenhul, dardith, others I can’t think of right now
People who left for real life: hebro, hazelnut, legs, most of orcworm, himanshu, sorrow (hunter), illskane and a lot more.
I had the same attitude like you do when I came back but hopefully you’ll realize that over time things change and we adapt. Role play Is actually slowly growing again. But we need to rebuild it together.
Well adapt. I actually do plan to. Some random walk up rp in org. Ill let yall know on discord so we can get more involved. Im still working on the details myself though. im in both the discord amd community in game for horde rp. Its been great so far.
Part of same reason I left as well awhile back. I am back on here now to play with some old friends. Andrew and Sparta are here on Horde. Yes many did leave and go to Wyrmrest and some have now returned. The walk up is still around a bit but not as much as it was. WB
I’m gonna hijack this thread because I want to know about the condition of Emerald Dream, too.
I’m Feladris. Hopefully, many of you recognize me. I was an active player on Emerald Dream all throughout Legion. I followed the Lioncrest to Wyrmrest Accord during the great exodus, but recently, I’ve had interest in coming back. I miss the RP community here – it really felt like family, whereas on Wyrmrest Accord, I feel like no more than a face in the crowd. And I miss Emerald Dream’s PvP culture and server personalities.
My question is: how is the harassment problem? When I was here, it was difficult to RP in public because non-RPers would /dance and pop toys on you, and PvP guilds would camp RP events for the fun of it. Is this still happening?
This is the #1 factor keeping me from transferring back. As much as I miss Emerald Dream, I don’t want to rejoin a hostile environment.
We have this new feature called “Warmode” now. If you turn it on, you are flagged for pvp. If you turn it off, nobody can target/grief/crash your RP/events. While not a hardcore RP-er, I do RP/join events a fair bit, and I’d say the server population is very tolerant.
My blindside is Legion though - as someone who just started in legion and primarily did pve and had no idea what ED was all about until BFA, I could not provide you with a before/after warmode scenario aside from my 2 cents on the current climate.
Warmode reception: Most people will host events with warmode on, and that is usually a tradition/nod to the server historically being RP-PvP. I have attended a lot of different events from storytelling/bar events to more serious RP-events and I have never seen a crash as yet. With RP-coordination happening in alliance/horde discords, both sides seem really mature and tolerant of each other, and rivalries mostly remain ingame. RP-events, for the most part that I’ve seen, work even with warmode on with little to no hassle.
From the 10 years I’ve been on ED I can tell you that griefing has been and will always be an issue on this server. Hell I used to be in a guild a long time ago dedicated to crashing events. If you can’t learn to adapt, and make changes the server will eat you alive.
With that being said griefing has been more focused on specific guilds recently and leaves others alone. If you can’t handle having to adapt your play style and actually PVP or turn warmode off I suggest ED isn’t home for you. ED will always be known as Emerald drama. Just because it’s quiet right now doesn’t mean it will stay that way.
Even with sharding and phasing ED is still the #1 realm to inject a little wpvp in to your RP or vice versa. For the Vale! Pride and Glory! Hail Battlehammer! For Kul Tiras! KO!
Are you ever going to get over this? I hurt your feelings when a couple or so years ago I disagreed with you trying to get people to leave Tich which was low on Alliance and had little to no interest in RP to move here. This was an RPPvP server that was being taken over dramatically by non-rp’rs like yourself at the time so I disagreed with what you were doing. That is it. It’s great that since then you have picked it up and enjoy it now. Things turned out the way they are. I gave an opinion that was different than yours. As an adult I have no issues with agreeing to disagree with somebody’s different opinion. I do not continue for years after the disagreement trolling and trashing the person I disagreed with. I still love Tich and still have toons there. I was logged in last night. I love ED again after some issues here changed and I have some good game friends here so I also play here again and always had toons here even when took a break from the server. I also play on Proudmoore in a guild I have been in for 12 years which is where my main is. Why would you assume what I like, what i don’t like, where I am, why I am there? Why do you consider it your business? Let this go please it is ridiculous at this point. Take care.
Nah, I just thought I would swing by to laugh at you at how wrong you are, and how you changed your mind. All that trash talking on tich and here you are back on ED lol