
Thanks for releasing achievements 10 mins early, not like I wanted a chance at a realm first or anything. Bunch of BS.


If you really wanted it…you would have been prepared. You were not prepared.


well duh of course i wasnt prepped 10 mins early… I’m also stupid for listening to 99% of the community saying shutdown/restart was first.

“If you aren’t 10min early, you’re late.” As my boss used to say.


This 10-minute early release is definitely stupid. What’s the point of the countdown on the official website then? I put down all my work and log on at 55, only to be told the countdown was a scam.

Thank you, Blizzard. I am quitting the game, and Blizzard you really should consider doing your thing at least decently. I hope you guys have good luck in the future, sincerely.

PS: Please do not say anything like you should be waiting there early. People have their own real lives, and we are here for fun, so at least we should not be scammed by the thing published by the official website


About 14 years late for that


How are people 525 in herbalism already?

Picking 75 herbs


The PTR launch test even had the Cata features go live exactly when the in-game clock ticked over to the scheduled time.


Last few wow expansions have launched early

in 10 mins?

Skinning should zoom too, rushers leave lots of animals around lol.

10 mins? It launched at 4:50 my time, you posted that at like 5:20, thats 30 min

You were quitting anyway…admit it.

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The people who will get worlds second…were on an hour plus early as well most likely.

Worlds second peeps know the drill. Be on hour out in case servers go bad. Authentication, server login, etc. all can have moments.

World second since first was over a decade ago lol.


wait, i do not have it tho

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I’ll let you work out the obvious answer.

Boo hoo cry us a river

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considering theyve never done a shutdown or restart before for these new expansion releases…yes

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actually, when CATA launched, a yellow chat text asked everyone to relog.

I was there.