Really now?
Did I get hyped for no reason? or Is there a trick to this?

There are warband bound Items and warband until equipped items. Since you can’t share soulbound items with your toons, of course you can’t put it into the warbank. Just put them into your regular bank.

With stuff like that, i just vendor them and it pops into my mog collection anyway :woman_shrugging:


That’s cool. I was under the impression that we could share xmogs with alts. I guess I didn’t read the fine print.

I dunno the significance of putting it into my bank unless they’re planning to allow it later?

Transmog is now automatically unlocked for all chars when you unlock it with one. You can even unlock cloth-transmog when collecting cloth-items with a plate-wearing char and vice versa. :slight_smile:

Also if you mail them to your other toons, that also gets around this issue.

you can’t mail soulbound items.

It’s always been this way with soulbound items. Soulbound doesn’t mean Yoursbound.

my current understanding is that only the items that blizzard say is ‘warbound equip’ can be sent to other alts

Its just like Crafting Orders; only the items that Blizzard allow, allow to be crafted.

(i hate Crafting Orders being so limited, if i could make crafting orders for all engineering items i be so happy)

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I didn’t say that. I was referring to warbound until equipped items.

but… why?

it was a soulbound item which they were asking about.
they can’t mail it, and there’s no issue to get around.
working as intended.

I thought OP was talking about warbound until equipped items based on the responses. :person_shrugging:

I dont understand who stops me from putting an item that I have used into the bank. After all, it is MY item and MY bank… There should be an in-game NPC for it or something that explains the reasons.

the how, or the why?

the warband bank isn’t the same as your personal bank.
if you want to bank a soulbound item, it goes into your personal bank (or void storage, provided the item isn’t tagged as “unique”)

if you want to bank an item which is labeled as warbound until equipped, you can put it into the warband bank, where it can be accessed by any of your characters.

Yes but who is the owner of the other bank then?

I feel like we’re at a time in this games’ history to allow free trading between your characters, Warforged or not. Still have soulbound with other players still.

which other bank?

you have a character bank, and an account bank.

the individual character owns their personal bank

the account owns the warband bank

if i’m not being clear enough, are you able to be more specific with the question?

a bit of a terminology issue there.
warforging is an item upgrade.
not bank related :stuck_out_tongue:


HAHA! Oopsie! WarBOUND.

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I mean the same NPC at the bank grants me access to both banks. Should there not be different NPCs then?

There are different types of items. There are “warbound” which can be put in your warbank and shared among all your toons. These do not ever bind to anyone. Then there is “warbound until equipped”. These items are warbound, but become soulbound when someone equips them, then they are locked to that character.