Come on blizz, at least say something. The radio silence is awful
Going on a full expansion now with no meaningful changes. Just the hero talents.
That’s no meaningful changes. The hero talents add nothing to shadow other than additional failure points for delaying Halo/Void Torrent, which you didn’t want to do anyway.
Just stating it before someone comes in saying “but hero talents!” They don’t count as they were a necessary expansion feature.
Maybe in the third xpac of this series (the last titan i guess?) we get something, i realy dont even have any expectation for Spriest to be fixed on this xpac for real. And while we got the radio silence, enhancement shamans get their third rework, hunter got their second rework, and guess what?? Mages got another mini rework on a lot of talents. I just want Voidform to work with Voidweaver, and i dream of the day that DA would be removed from the game for good.