Really long winded advice thread

But in response to your thread (with a classic tie-in): the BFA cinematic they used to advertise is absolutely awesome and convinced me to start playing again at the end of legion. I’ve been waiting for classic and am really excited for it. Until then I’ve been leveling characters up about to the end of wrath content and then getting bored and starting over. I like leveling in the classic zones, but it’s extremely different now. I haven’t bothered to level anything up to 120, but the one zone I did do in BFA was pretty fun. It’s worth the cost of a sub to me, but a lot of people don’t think it’s worth it and are waiting for the classic servers to be released.

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I have no desire - nor the time and required effort - to raid seriously again… it’d be more about just going back to my gaming roots and running around all awkwardly in a whole new world with 10 yr old epics. Lol. More questioning if there was enough enjoyable content to make it a worthwhile expenditure… 100 bucks is 100 bucks… or if all the changes have made it so unrecognizable that it wouldn’t be worth it. =}

I really appreciate your feedback.

There’s also the New Player forum, and if you’ve (re)activated your sub, the Returning Players forum. They’re listed right at the top.

Not everyone hates the current version of the game. Many are enjoying it, that’s why it’s still around. But keep in mind that there’s also hype as well as bias, and not just in these forums.

Just start paying the sub ($15) and you can level up to 110, the only other cost to you is if you want to upgrade to BfA at some point. “Base game” is no longer a purchase option, or buying previous expansions.

Not yet, but they’re adding a Classic client sometime around summer. From what I understand, your sub will also grant access to that.

I found the game very recongizable and still enjoyed. Still looking forward to classic but I will be playinh both

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If your talking about worth jumping back into retail, well that’s up to you to decide really but in my honest opinion no. It’s not worth paying 50$ + 15$/M just to do barely anything when it comes to grinding gear. From when I last played in legion all you do is just raid for a few hours, spend another hour in a M+, then you can just log off for the rest of the week until server reset, unless if your up for bgs/arenas, or grinding easy stuff like low level mobs, gold and stuff.

Otherwise if your talking about classic, well I think its worth going back but I don’t think its worth the sub bill. Why have a sub on a game that will get no content updates, worst yet the classic servers being mostly dead in the next few gears at least after launch?

I wrote a really long answer to this question here.


I didn’t read this but I will try to pack this into as short of an answer as I can.

The biggest reason for me is that there just isn’t anything to do. Now a lot of people will argue that there is tons of stuff to do in retail but it was very empty unrewarding things that hold no value. So whenever I come back this is how it goes. I level to end level, do some dungeon runs and get the best gear I can, do the current raid, then after that it is nothing but endless torture of running these ‘world quests’ over and over again or doing the random ‘thing of the day!’ in order to get just a little bit better gear. This is all in the span of a month. So in a month I can hit end level, gets COUNTLESS amounts of gear, and then run out of stuff to do unless that thing is to repeat the same 10 quests that basically make go to a random spot on the globe, gather 10 flowers, and then get a piece of loot. And the loot is completely random too so it could be a lower item level than what I have on, or it could ‘roll up’ into something way better. And this is retails version of ‘content’.

The game is also made around all servers being connected at once so there is no more community. It is all just people spamming group finders, linking your GS in order to get the invite, no one says a word in the group, you clear what needs clearing, and then everyone leaves group without saying a word. It just feels awful.

Not to mention pvp… How pvp and pvp groups are formed is the biggest upset for me. You use to have to make an arena team, and STICK with those people and push together unless you decide to leave and you lost everything to work your way back up. Well now everyone just has personal rating. So this is what the process is for when you very first start out to when you get a highish rating. Lets say you have no rating.

Go into LFG. Find a team that says “LF chill players” or “Low cr push”. Ask for an invite. They ask you a million questions like “Whats your highest rating? Whats your personal rating?”. And the second question will exclude you from about 80% of the invites if you have no rating. You constantly just beg for someone to invite you so you can at least get some. Find a group. Play games with them until you get one or two losses and one person inevitably ends up leaving without a word. Go back into LFG and repeat process. Do this until you get like higher rating to get groups easier. Then people will start not inviting you to group because of your class. So now you are limited to people in your rating, who are specifically looking for your class/spec, and who accept you highest rating achievement. Get in one of those groups after waiting for an hour. Play a couple games and hope to GOD you win because 9 times out of 10 they will just kick you if they lose because you are the new guy. Do this until higher rating. Keep looking for groups and the less and less people are at your rating so it takes longer to find a group. Finally find a group and they say they want to keep queing with you because you did good. Log back in and find out they replaced you with a different player of your class because you weren’t online at 3am. Go back into LFG.

I could write you a book on this issues with the game but I just personally think it isn’t worth the money.

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This guy is probably in the minority on this forum on Classic where most of us are really excited about Classic, barring a few folks who just hang around to make sarcastic comments. :grin:


That hasnt been my experience even down to some of the logistical things you mentioed. World quests are random gear, you know the reward from the map. The path to getting into raiding is easier now due to all the sources of gear and lots of people love the progress that mythic+ provides (I am not that person, lol)

Also you, leveled 1-120 and got geared up ready for raids in a month? Did you not spend anytime enjoying the ride? I mean yeah you could do it but you missed a lot of what wow is.

This is all coming from someone who did not play any content post BC, so your milage may vary on the wanting to see lvl content.

Edit: Retail could be a good place for you to hang out a couple months if you ware just waiting for classic. Who knows maybe you’ll really like it, lol. Or decide to play both like me :slight_smile:

You’re actively playing Modern now, you’re level 111, and you didn’t play any content post BC? I’m confused.

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Come on seriously, esp if you looked at the other things I posted in this thread. I quit tail end of BC and didnt come back until a couple weeks before BFA launched. Boosted a character with the free BFA boost. This is actually my brother character he transfered to my account. He had a baby and couldnt play right after buying BFA and said here you go merry christmas, lol.

If you’re looking to come back and join up in BfA after not playing since Cataclysm, I think you will find that the look and overall feel of the game is the same, but the systems and the progression of your character will be vastly different.

The game of yesteryear is more of a traditional MMORPG, where each class has it’s advantages and shortcomings, and your character progresses as part of a community/faction with a larger goal. You aren’t a hero so much as an adventurer in a bigger story line.

The game of today is mostly an Action-RPG with quests on rails geared towards decking out your character in epics as quickly and easily as possible. You are a hero of your faction and NPC’s regard you as such. Each class plays closely with the others, and everything has been homogenized to the point that lots of classes feel the same as their role counterparts. If that’s you’re thing, cool. BfA will scratch that itch.

Speaking personally, I’m not interested in the direction that retail has gone, so I am eagerly awaiting classic. I’m intrigued by having exploration again where quests send me halfway across the world to unknown lands as opposed to sitting in your class hall, or garrison. A return to simple questing with an emphasis on discovery. I don’t need fancy rewards dangled in my face every time I log in and all the cool new ways to achieve them. I want leveling to max level to simply be the challenge, and to enjoy being a part of a community that is bigger than any one person or hero.

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One of my favorite posts in this forum. Couldn’t agree more.

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Just going to guess maybe he was 110 already? Plus leveling in retail wow has to be the MOST unfulfilling thing I have even got in a video game, and I’ve played no mans sky.

So you’re in a honeymoon period still… I remember thinking wod was going to be one of the best expansions while I was leveling… yup

All in all it seems you are new to the ‘new’ version of wow. So of course the fast paced gear shower probably is fun for you no doubt. But it’s a similar feeling to having all the cheat codes active for gta, it’s a blast! Until you realize there is nothing to do and nothing really seems worth it.

Thanks everyone all of your opinions and advice are much appreciated.

After taking into account all everyone said, and after this thread had me realize that I’d get everything up to BFA with just resubbing not purchasing legion, I decided to take the $15 dollar risk. That gives me 30 days before I decide whether I want to invest another $50 into more content.

The nostolgia initially is fantastic… I happened to log on in Shat so the very first thing I did was go solo Kael in TK cause 1) Screw that guy, and 2) one day he’ll drop alar for me. Lol.

Then I started legion… I’m such a lore junky, a sucker for cutscenes and story progression so I loved getting into it… Sylvanas is the warchief? What… Haha.

I then did a couple lfg with a buddy and instantly everything you all said became very apparent. There was not a word of communication. The play style was much more like diablo than the wow I remembered. No strategy just chain pull till everything is dead from aoe… and I gained an entire level from 3 dungeons… It was a truly underwhelming, sort of empty experience.

That being said, then I headed off to do legion stuff and that had the old feeling back again… Out adventuring in a world I don’t know, not being able to fly, getting lost in the area… stopping to fish… That was enjoyable.

So I’ll reserve final judgement for a bit, but I think the plan is to avoid the unrewarding experience that is insta-levels from lfg and just go enjoy being a noob with a hand of a’dal title for a while. Lol.

Really do appreciate all your perspectives on this and now I’m pretty excited about the prospect of playing vanilla a bit again when that happens.


Could care less about gear shower, gear doesnt matter to me. Just like doing quest and doing each dungeon a handful of times. Did all of legions content, worked through 2/3 hordes BFA zones, been checking out the raid content of vanilla/BC since I never got to do those when I played vanilla/BC live, and lvled an ally race to 60 then froze exp so I can do the rest of the revamped zones.

Believe it or not some people can be excited for classic and enjoy retail still. They both offer their merits. I miss the thought and communication that vanilla/BC 5 mans took, base difficulty retail dungeons are speed runs :frowning: , I also hate that they removed the hybrid from my druid :angry: but I like the wide variety of things to do retail offers.

Which is why, I will be playing both :smiley:

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I personally think that’s a good plan; Legion was really enjoyable content for me storywise-- and if you hang out there at level 110, there is a LOT more great lore and story to experience, some of the best they’ve done recently, IMO.

Also recommended is the endgame for Mists of Pandaria. Some people are all, “LOL PANDAS” but that expansion also had a great story.

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retail is not the same type of game as vanilla/tbc or wotlk. so i try not to compare them beyond explaining where i think they’ve departed too far from the mmrpg aspects. for example:

most rpg functions have been removed, such as carrying a quiver and arrows as a hunter, carrying portal stones as a mage, ankhs as a shaman, creating poisons as a rogue, training a weapon before using it (now you just equip it and it already is max proficiency), etc.

professions are barely functional, ruined by heirlooms, wod and restrictions on flight.

random lfg/lfr tool ruined the social aspects of the mmorpg, particularly when they expanded it to select from the entire server farm (cloud) and not just the server you’re on. can run a whole dungeon or raid and people in the group dont even talk to each other.

thats for starters. retail/live is not a bad game, its just not a mmorpg. its not immersive. its mostly about dopamine hits and adrenaline rushes now.

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WoW players have basically devolved into backseat developers, even the people playing retail will tell you it sucks, despite knowing themselves that they like the game and won’t quit.

It’s fashionable and edgy to trash Blizzard, so people just do it regardless of how they really feel, or acknowledging the fact that they haven’t missed a single expansion or lapsed their sub more than a few months.

my reasons for not liking retail are fairly simple.

-I feel so disconnected from other players, there is no social aspect left and those that do only seem to be there to try ruin any fun you would like to have. say hello in a dungeon and no one says anything back, race to end in silence.

  • the game is on rails. all the side stuff that you cold get6 involved in is gone, profesions suck, its pretty much raid, mythic+ or bust.

  • there is no danger really left out in the open world, and classes are so watered down that everything I try to play all ends up feeling the same after a couple hours, I used to be a hunter and the things I could make it do in classic compared to how limited I feel in retail is mind boggling.

no matter what anyone tells you, its not the same game, not even close. that does not mean you may not like it better, each to their own, but most of us here don’t like the new way of wow.