Really interesting video on crafting in Dragonflight

I am really excited - this is a new niche for casuals and raiders alike (you don’t need to farm the soulbould mats yourself to craft the best gear)


Does Belular or whatever his name is pay people to make these posts? I’d rather see a normal average player stream this to see how confused I might be trying it.


I don’t like Bellular but this is a very solid video for anyone looking to see what they’re doing with Crafting in DF. It looks really interesting tbh.

This guy used to be a great content creator that covered WoW news but unfortunately, just like TheLazyPeon, they are on Activision payroll these days.

If you’re looking for someone who’s having a bad time in wow and determined to hate Dragonflight, you don’t need to see a youtube video, just visit WoW Hate Central, a.k.a., General Discussion.

For all the casual players moaning about how there’s no non-instanced, solo PVE content that caters to them, you’d think, particularly because (hypothetical solo casual) crafters don’t even need to farm the soulbound mats themselves but can craft gear for raiders with work orders and the raider’s soulbound mats that this kind of development would be universally welcomed :man_shrugging:t6:

Yes, cretin, a new, complex system will cause you to get confused at first, remember the first time people tried to figure out garrison buildings?

He’s lambasted them in 8 out of 10 videos, you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s quite pathetic: the deep conviction that a videogame is bad and to have all conclusions point to it.


At this point I’d rather people be spamming Asmongold videos. At least Asmon doesn’t get all smarmy about “being a game developer” for creating the modern equivalent of a New Grounds point and click game.

Bellular is suspect when he talks about being impressed by the crafting system, because he actually hasn’t done crafting before. We really need more info than we have.

How much is it going to cost a crafter that doesn’t do instances to get their craft to the point where they can produce saleable items? How long will that take?

Those are the real questions. How long of a grind will this be? How much RNG is associated with getting some of these items to be able to craft the insane gear?

And how time-gated is it going to be?

As somebody who leveled 3 alchemists in Legion, it got incredibly old having to go to the Alchemy shop to make potions until I was permitted to make them outside of it. Most crafts will have to visit those tables to craft for the entire expansion.

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The video doesn’t talk about how timegated it’ll be or how grindy, because that’s not known yet and the systems are still in alpha. it talks about how the new profession revamp and how there’s scope for specialisation and deeper crafting gameplay in the game.

Which should be universally welcomed. Right?

Ah crap so it begins. The pre expansion praise / hype phase he does to generate clicks like he’s been doing every expansion since WoD. Only to start bashing every single thing he praised the moment the expansion releases and people are bored. So the cycle continues, you’d think YouTube worshipers would learn by now.

Like literally, all you have to go do is look at Bellular’s videos, scroll down for a solid 30 seconds and you’ll see the pattern plain as day. Every pre expansion launch it’s “I’M SO EXCITED, THIS IS GREAT!” / “THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!? WHY I’VE RETURNED!” then scroll up a bit into the mid expansion lifecycle it’s “WHAT WENT WRONG!? WHY DIDN’T THEY LISTEN!?” / “HAVE BLIZZARD SEALED THEIR FATE!?” it’s so hilariously obvious.

Generally speaking, if Bellular is “praising” something, the majority of the player base is going to get let down.

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All right so you think Bellular changes his opinion and tries to attract clicks. Fine. I don’t care about him at all. My point is that crafting in DF looks really interesting and that just because Bellular thinks so in one video doesn’t mean that we have to tie ourselves to the anti-everything-Bellular-says bandwagon.

Or does it?

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Yeah my bad I don’t mean to crap on your opinion or suggest DF professions will be bad. I’m mainly aiming my beef at Bellular because I feel his opinion always flip flops from pre expansion launch to mid expansion lifecycle. I haven’t watched his video but from what I’ve seen professions look pretty awesome. I like the outfits we get and the new tables look great.

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can’t wait for bellular to release a video a few weeks after launch titled something like “Has Blizzard RUINED crafting?”

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I was excited about using old-world mats to craft upgraded gear in SL, and also to make gold through some pretty lucrative vendor shuffles. None of that survived alpha, so excuse me while I don’t bother looking at any updates or videos until at least PTR.

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This is unfortunately true.

A fair amount of times he will come out in favor of something he doesn’t actually know much about. Only much later will he change his opinion. I think it is instructive to read comments for his videos. A lot of his viewers disagree with his stance on a lot of things.

After coming out so strongly in favor of Dragonriding following the start of the intro, he’s asking what else there is. He’s like, “I learned to make cinematics from watching you guys. What happened?”