Really high ping now

I am getting really high ping lately. Usually 1000-2000+ now. Anyone else having this issue?

Yes. 400 here and usually 10m

30 home 30 world consistently.

Damn whales are chewing on the lines again.

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I’ve definitely had a few spikes here and there, but nothing consistent.

My latency is always high. Regardless of the time.

I average about 150 and 300 world. Best I can think of it is my ISP is throttling my connection but they say there’s nothing there.

All my other games and apps and streaming devices run smoothly. Then again, I’m on a wireless connection so that’s probably part of my issue.

It usually isnt too much of a problem unless it gets to 1000. That hasn’t happened a long time. Something seriously is blocking it if it’s that high

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Nope, not right this minute, 18/18 currently.

Only time I normally have high ping is when I play Oceanic and that’s around 200/300 ish.

I find when that happens, it’s usually server side and I have to exit for a while.

I usually get 30/30. That hasn’t been any different recently.
If you’re on WiFi I would recommend making sure your WFi Device drivers are up to date.

It’s always like this for me at the end of the month. Internet company throttles me and decided to have our bandwidth shared with everyone in our apartment building