Really Enjoying First PVP experience

Got tired of PVE and PVP has really made me enjoy WoW again. I am a newb but am getting better every day. Been looking at guides, using new add-ons and getting the best talents. Looking for a little more advice/have a couple questions:

1.) How do I deal with melee’s? I play balance druid and huntard (yes I am a newb it is easy). I have some talents that kite but they always seem to pester me. One melee has a grappling hook that I keep getting pulled closer to them, what skill is this?

2.) How do I get sparks to craft my first 450 items in PvP? I cant get them from heroic dungeons anymore for some reason.

3.) I love my druid, and sometimes play guardian in PVE, I have seen some guardian druids in BG and Epic BG. What is a the role of a tank in BG’s, should I just be annoying mobs being hard to kill? I know in EBG tanks are needed for certain bosses so I understand that role.

Thanks in advance! Trying to learn.

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That’s always a tough problem for new PvPers. I think it just comes with experience. Knowing when to kite (don’t forget snares/roots). Knowing when to CC (scatter/intimidation/ice trap). Knowing when to use defensives (don’t forget feign death). Knowing when to stand your ground and just DPS into their face.

If it’s a death knight, it’s probably Death Grip or Abomination Limb:

I usually get them from winning bgs. I sometimes randomly get them from LFRs.

On flag carry maps, you carry the flag and hopefully capture it. On other maps, you can defend nodes so the other team can’t capture them.





Thanks for responses!

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You don’t i also play hunter and the best you can really do is try to use steel trap and tar trap to make distance but since every melee in the game has infinite gap closers and turbo speed all the time it really doesn’t do anything so evidently the solution is just go next effectively or try to burst them down.

And if you ever fight a dk you may as well just take your hands off the keyboard cause there is nothing you can do they will just tank everything you have and keep you 80% slowed with their spammable slow and then its just wraps.

It’s a nice game

Finding streamers that you can watch can be very helpful with positioning and knowing when/why to kite.

It gets more manageable the more time you put into it. I was able to do BGs and have enough for Conquest Gear.

Im not claiming to be an expert, so take my advice with a really small grain of salt.

Make sure your key binds are locked down. Not sure about anyone else, but I use my Cooldowns alot. It will become muscle memory after that.

Keep plugging away homie! If you want to try 2v2 or 3v3, im totally down for it.