Real talk... fr

WHY does dhs get 100% uptime on their burst
why isnt anyone complaining about how they have 100% uptime on meta

They have 10x more mobility than a mage and can fly in the air like a missile and launch COD BO2 hunter killer drones straight at you and take next to no damage

they never run out of meta and its a nightmare trying to mitigate when disarm and all your overlapping stuns cant keep a DH out of meta

Skill issue. DHs are fine


Nerf them (give them adderall) so they can sit still for once

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ur 600 in 2s
wouldnt really be saying skill issue to anyone else if i were you

have you ever had an unexpressed thought

:person_shrugging: from time to time

thought u said real talk. what is this?

no, do you? bet you do lmao.

I guess you could say his head is… on the moon?

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