Real talk about integrating to consoles

World of Warcraft was never built to be on console in the first place if you want World of Warcraft to be on console then they would need to rebuild and remake the game from the ground up. Right now as it stands currently is not built for consoles and sure you can play on a controller but I am specifically talking about consoles (Xbox series, Nintendo switch, PlayStation).

The reality is that the game was never made for console nor will it be ported to consoles anytime soon. And I am going to repeat this one more time, they would need to remake and rebuild World of Warcraft from the ground up to be able to be on consoles.

I am just being real here so don’t come on here and start being negative about my takes. When my takes is coming from a point of view of a realist.


Are you really a real realist?


There’s a hundred and one reasons why Blizzard should rebuild the game engine from the ground up, including porting to consoles. The longer they wait the harder and more costly it’s going to be. But, it would be worth it in the long run. But the shareholders can’t look past the short term loss for the long term gains, so it’s not going to happen.

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Consoles would be good though for longevity of the game. My son for example is 18, no computer. He always has consoles though. He’d get into WoW if it was on console. Instead he plays FFXIV because it’s on PS5.


30 FPS, yeah!


There’s plenty of PC games that were created for PC only and got ported over to console. It’s not impossible and there’s plenty of people who would love to see this happen.

If they added WoW to console, I’d leave the PC version and never look back. Making it more accessible will only get them more money in the long run because there are loads of gamers out there who don’t like PC gaming or don’t have thousands to spend on a good gaming PC.

Opening it up to consoles gives them a bigger audience and more people willing to play the game who couldn’t as a PC only game.

If ESO can do it, so can WoW.


Well, when the console costs as much as a mid-range graphics card…

It already has options to play with a controller.

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My son and his GF tried WoW and couldn’t get into it. Too much time commitment. They like their rogue-likes on console that are quick, easy to learn/hard to master, but mostly quick (little time commitment).

I’m not sure WoW on console would be an actual revenue increase, but it certainly would include a much larger potential market of players for a drastically dumbed-down version of the game.


Yeah, I’m not sure why any long-time MMO player would want a MMO to be put on console when there are so many examples of other ones that are and are worse off because of it.
WoW’s engine has amazed me over the years, especially in comparison to what games like ESO and FFXIV are working with… I’d hate to see it suddenly held back because Blizzard has to start keeping the limits of consoles in mind.


Not to mention a PC master race player understands they can just map abilities to a controller…controller support was added to WoW in Shadowlands. And then you can connect to the TV…there you go.

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It is to silly to say they could never do it, they wouldn’t even need to rebuild the game engine. They would only need to make the UI and menus more controller-friendly and that wouldn’t even be a stretch but the process of doing it might be too much of a hassle because of the back end. Also I don’t think people would be buying Next Generation consoles to play a 20-year-old game.

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They can port to consoles as long as they add an indicator that a player is on console so I know they’ll be um underwhelming.


It isn’t a first person shooter, considering people can play MMOs with more keybinds than WoW on console, I don’t think a good player using console controls would do any less than a good player using keyboard controls.

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You know what? I don’t believe you.

FFXIV exists with full controller support and my APM on the slowest class in FF14 is twice that of the slowest of WoW. They already implemented the ‘action targeting’ in WoW, and turn speed can be made into variable using analog sticks or have a quick-180 bind considering you can turn 4 buttons into 44 keybinds with shoulder buttons. If you actually use the directional buttons as keybinds as well you can double it.

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PC games on console is like owning a hellcat without the red key.

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Blizzard clearly wants to do it as ff14 did it and that has made ff14 a ton of $$. Blizzard wants that $$.

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And what about healing?

Surely you can play a warrior or DH at a high level maybe. But after that it’s gonna get limited quick. Maybe hunter.

There is no way you are this clueless?

Creating a new engine does what?
You do not need a new engine to port to console.

They can port to consoles right now if they wanted , you would need to plug a keyboard in to play but i don’t think blizzard cares.

They could release wow console keyboards if they wanted, but again. They don’t care.

They could put wow on xbox game pass but again…