Real Player Housing: What Do YOU Want To Have?

a few different instanced house options in gilneas (alliance) or lordaeron (horde) much like garrisons and you can invite people and show off your collections and stuff.

If they do instanced housing, I fail to see how that will be much more impactful then garrisons in WOD. There may be some people that want instanced housing, but I don’t think that necessarily represents the majority of the community. I think most people are looking at housing close to FF14 vs WoD.

Regardless, Blizz will more and likely need to “see the money” before they are incentivized to do it. The theory that instanced housing means more subscribers seems to be roughly hypothetical at best. People who want to “Play House” in an instance will probably look to other applications that do that better versus trying to force WOW into that direction.

Housing would more and likely be sold in a legit way by Blizz in the in game store for real money. Or they will make the price tag so large you will need to buy a bunch of tokens in the game store to purchase them.

Also, people will not follow the TOS, they will do what boosters do and work around them to make money in real life.

If the systems remain needlessly complex. The gearing stays in RNG hell with no work around. Each spec goes from a college degree to roll face for the same dps. And the armors have the consistency of garbage.

No shiny houses are going to be able to fix it.

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Be able to have your house in (almost) any zone.

Breathe new life into professions by letting them craft furniture unlocks. Each expansion can have special recipes for each profession, getting people out in the world to collect them and farm mats.

If done right, housing could be a great boon to the game. Even if you weren’t interested in housing, if done right, you could make a lot of gold off people who do care about it.

Oh, and let us have customizable guards, servants and our alts hanging out if we so choose.


I was thinking about it , but could servers handle millions of houses ( instance ) ?

Not sure I really believe this claim.

This would be a horrible decision on the part of Blizzard. Getting the house should be the easily accessible part. The player engagement and grind comes from decorating it. Plenty of other MMOs figured this out correctly.

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About the only thing that’d interest me for housing would be if it came with its own hearthstone and a portal to SW/org.

And the houses should be able to have your racial theme as an option.

Because Square sells some of the furniture and exterior features for housing on their store. Some of it you can make as well. Some is gotten through quests and achievements.

People are talking about Blizzard selling the actual housing plots for real money, which isn’t what FFXIV does. (Furniture on the Mogstation in FFXIV is universally stuff from old holiday events IIRC.)

I’m not a fan of FFXIV’s housing system at all, though. It’s extremely inaccessible, and even when you do get a housing plot, it’s highly limiting in what you can do with it. Why should I want something like that when an instanced housing plot system allows decor limits of several thousand and leads to the creation of fully custom environments?

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I was replying to the part about it not being lucrative because tons of people buy and own the store items. They are seen on every plot.

They don’t have to sell the homes themselves to make money. And it’d be even more lucrative for Blizz because they have the token. So even if houses only sold for gold, it’d be a lot of gold for some of the bigger homes. They still make real life money.

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Not necessarily store-bought, as again: they were old event items. I personally buy quite a few of the housing items with each event from the vendor (for gil, not $$$), just in case I want to use them later.

A lot of the exterior looks were not event items. But I would not be against Blizz doing the same with event items. It’d keep holidays fresh.

I just checked the Mogstation because I really couldn’t remember what you’re talking about and… there are no exterior looks for houses sold on the cash shop in FFXIV. There are definitely crafted exterior looks, though.

There were things like this that use to be on the store that were not event or crafting:**strong text**

I think now you can select them when creating a home, if you are able to get a plot.

I want something that carries the flavor of both my race and class. Maybe a mecha workshop with a bunch of robot training dummies for the warrior in me. Just don’t give me “human . . . or orc?” as options because even my humans weren’t impressed by that.

No, those were definitely never on the Mogstation. Those were released as crafted custom appearances - many from Free Company crafting.

I never saw them available for crafting. There are many looks that are available via crafting though. These were listed for sale originally.

This just isn’t true. 100% those were released as craftable items. I was there for every patch.

They are mostly Free Company crafts, which are special recipes that require 8 people present - why you probably didn’t notice.

The craftable items are listed as such.

But that’s neither here nor there. The main point is if Blizz wanted to make money off of housing, they definitely could. Even having housing listed for gold. Because they have the token. They could as well if they went with the one year event items that end up on the store as well. Because there will be people that aren’t around for every event, but still want items.

https:// ffxiv.gamerescape .com/wiki/Small_Merchant%27s_Walls

^One of them. As you can see, it’s a Free Company craft - and it has always been a Free Company craft. I literally made one of these when they came out. xD

[edit] I’m not trying to shame you for getting your info wrong, btw. I’m just trying to clarify how it works.